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(02-06-2011, 21:48)spheon Wrote: False moaners with obvious lack of interest and those that they say they do something and plainly have no intention to - especially GFE

I'd be very interested to know what your interpretation of a gfe is spheon?
smell of nicotine, unclean teeth, an untidy place, greasy looking hair
The smell of fish when the lady undresses! Yeeuckkkkk! There is no excuse for poor hygiene (I do acknowledge that some people truly have problems and do have sympathy but for the idle buggers, go away.
Hygiene all round really - oh yes and piles of dirty clothes.
Bad breath
Greasy hair.

Otherwise, I am pretty much cool with everything else!
Men that insist on keeping there socks on during a booking especially if the big toe is peeping through a hole.

I had a guy yesterday who kept his on i was just about to say sorry I dont do socks when i looked he was wearing a tag so thought it best to keep my mouth shut in this instance.
im a smoker but i make sure my breath is very fresh
(21-07-2011, 15:02)Emily of Halifax Wrote: Men that insist on keeping there socks on during a booking especially if the big toe is peeping through a hole.

I had a guy yesterday who kept his on i was just about to say sorry I dont do socks when i looked he was wearing a tag so thought it best to keep my mouth shut in this instance.

OMG Emily, you certainly do pick'em Big Grin

Probably very wise not to have said anything. Mind you, he might not have been violent, might have been a convicted tax dodger!
Doubt it monty dont want to stereotype but when he pulled out a wad of probably over 2 grand when he went to pay me and the way he looked and area he was from I know exactly what he was one of those situations where I actually managed to not say anything.
To be fair though he was actually a nice guy
Well as long as you were ok and he didnt cause any problems, thats good then, despite the socks!
Thanks Monty really nice guy as it turns out but if you new the area and saw him and the tag I am sure you would have thought exactly the same as I did I described it to hubby last night and before i had even finished describing he said exactly what I was thinking
I don't bother to ask guys to take their socks off since a previous thread where someone mentioned bad feet. The thought doesn't appeal.
It was Gina - just found it:

(11-06-2011, 09:18)Gina Faith Wrote: In private I definitely want them off. But at work I don't mind whether my guests take them off or keep them on. Very dry skin, yellow or broken nails, or athlete's foot/tinea pedis is obviously not a turn on, and like Lolo said, I don't want such feet to touch my skin. And I guess that if they keep their socks on they must have a reason for that, so I won't argue on that subject. Big Grin

On that matter: feet are the ugliest part of the human body.

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