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Visiting Service - How far is included?
When you offer an visiting service, how far do you include as part of your rate and what rate would you charge for travelling.

What about pre-payment, has anyone experienced a nobody at home of fake address, how do you check them out?

landline number and if its in the same area i just charge my normal outcall 180 if its going to take a hour to get there its fuel plus extra for travel and i want a deposit

i have shown up too 1 or 2 house's to find its fake and hotels too

now i am a bit more , i must have info b4 i leave
£20 is added to my incall rate to cover cabs. If it's going to cost more I let them know and have an agreement that they will pay.

If it's too far out, normally I'd ask them to come to me.

I always get a room number or landline number and call before going anywhere.

If it's a long way away, they pay train travel and the cost of the outcall covers travel time, as they are normally overnight bookings.
For local outcalls it's my normal outcall rate £150 for an hour, if it's over 15 miles then the rate increases. Like this...

*Note: Fuel costs are wavered with 2+ hour out calls - These only apply if less than 2 hours.

No extra charge for outcalls under 14 miles from Worcester city centre (one way)
£5 fuel charge for 15 to 20 miles (one way)
£10 fuel charge for 21 to 35 miles (one way)
£15 fuel charge for 36 to 45 miles (one way)

I can't help but feel that if you looked at the mileage costs of a certain taxi driver who is promonent on another site you may find you are being very generous there Kate!
I don't use taxis (especially red ones). I have vroom vroom of my own and it is on top of the additional £10 account rate too.
I do not charge any more for out calls but will only travel up to 25 miles and even then it depends on how I feel and how easy a run it is.

I had a message from a Twonk on AW asking if I could visit him in Kent, it would take me an hour to drive there, so told him that it would be £120 travelling costs and £120 for an hour visit, so £240 for 3 hours of my time. He then rang me and asked me where I was and if I was up north, do they not read profiles these guys? I also told him he would have to travel to Slough to pay me a deposit in cash.

I used to work visiting covering a 50 mile radius and often did 600+ miles a week. this was pre internet and used to rely on 192 to check addresses against phone numbers, now so many people use mobiles, I will still usually ask to call to confirm on a land line.

I have had a few fake addresses or people just do not answer the door. I even had one guy who drove up his road as I drove in, his neighbour was in the garden and told me I had just missed him. thinking he may have gone to the bank, I waited, he did not return and another booking came in.

I think I have been fairly lucky over the years and not had too many problems, but you do get a sense when the person is not genuine and then I do not take the booking. I have sometimes taken a chance on something and it has actually worked to my surprise. I did arrange a booking to suit a time when I was passing that way and so would not have lost out much. The guy has since become a regular / ish.

In this business, if it does not sound right or you do not feel happy about something, don't do it
when i first started i offered only outcalls was very naive, got fucked around alot especially from 2 guys in edinburgh who run a pub & hotel putting in fake bookings which i didnt know at the time

now i rarely offer, doubled my fee to try stop people asking but of course it doesnt
I dont drive so what bookings I can do is limted by this. I judge it on location and booking. Some places might be far from me but only one train ride, somewhere closer could still end up being 2 trains, 2 taxis etc I'll travel further for longer bookings. I add £30 to any booking that starts after 10pm so i can just get a taxi straight from mine too city centre. My rates are fairly low so I feel this is reasonable enough Sleepy
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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the other thing when i do outcalls its only from 11pm onwards so there hardly any annoying other drivers on the road that will irritate me before the booking

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