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Where are they now
My motto has always been keep it simple it saves any awkwardness or embarrassment
I recall a woman from elsewhere whose name was totally unpronouncable - whats the point of that - surely it stops some people ringing up just cos they would not know what to call her. i am sure she thought it was very clever but can't be a good business move.
Agreed it is best to keep it simple and use a nice ordinary name. I was kissxkate before this. I know some people have a problem spelling curvaceous (so do I sometimes) but I'm a bit of a snob and it keeps the calibre of my clientelle where I want it.
Where's that - under your thumb?
they are well under Kates thumb
lol where else should they be? I have to admit, having never really received gifts before from men, it is lovely how clients like to keep you sweet and buy chocs (crunchie bars), pefume and flowers. In some ways I feel like I'm having my second youth and being woo'ed. I love it!

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