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does punting save your relationship.
I think it does far more than the few it seems to split up.

If a guy has a niche to punt, its because he is not getting what he needs sexualy at home, or is making up for what he missed out on as a teenager.

It can become a habit to punt, even when there is no great need, but seeing so many pretty ladies availab le, makes me book an escort, as its a differant sex need I have from my partner.
most of the guys i've spoke with says it has
I pride myself on keeping loveless marriages together Smile
It is a funny one this question.
Most guys I meet are actually very happy at home, they love the wife deeply and love the life they lead.
But that one thing that always seems to raise its ugly head Smile is not getting enough fruity sex at home, or indeed none.

So as we all know, men need it.
We provide it.
So yes it can help keep a marriage together.
Damn sight better than going off and having an affair I think.

I have talked to many a guy now about how to get things back on track in the bedroom department.
A couple have giving me follow ups about how my advice has worked for them.
Job well done!

I would rather a man get sorted at home then keep paying me dosh, so I then turn down meeting them if they say they are getting back on the right track at home,
I want to be a sex therapist really!
Lucy Smile
My website Lucy7

Link to a recent Punternet review
I think it does save relationships I was chatting to quite a young guy the other day who was telling me that 2 years into his marriage the physical side of his relationship stopped due to medical issues that his wife had that prevented them having sex (I dont no what the actual conditions were I did not want to pry to much) he said he loved his wife so much and would never dream of having an affair and would never leave her for someone else but as we all no we all have needs
With my ex who was/is an escort i had no problem with it at all, it was actually a turn on knowing shes getting boned. Im a swinger at heart so i have no jealousy issues of any kind. She didnt want me shagging other girls and i was more than ok about that.

The only concern i had was if she got pregnant because when i was with her she was doing regular porn work with all the well known studios and websites and its all certified bareback sex with other male pornstars. I know the chances of it happening is pretty much no chance but still.
Who was your ex Tom?
Yes come on Tom tell us
Lucy Love, from Brighton.
Wow very nice Tom lucky old you

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