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Slave/Mistress relationship
I've just accepted my first slave. He came over today for a trial run. Apart from cleaning etc, he will be decorating the house and sorting out the garden and garage. Once his training is over (ie. my derelict house is immaculate), he wants full-on humiliation and to go to fetish nights! I'm quite looking forward to getting my house sorted, and learning more about the slave/mistress relationship. According to him, there are far more slaves than mistresses to take them on around here.
After taking me to the shops and slaving, I made him shower today. It was purely so I could ensure he washed his bits properly. Unfortunately I don't have any curtains downstairs, so I can't get him to work naked.
He is also 25 and hung like a donkey, mmmm.

If anyone has any tips for me, or experiences I can learn from - feel free to offer advice! I enjoyed myself so much today, I am quite tempted to take on a galley of slaves!
Is he the one that was calling us from the apartment or a different one? Lucky you and well done.
Yes, he called you first and you passed him on to me! Thank you Kate - I owe you one!
Ah 25 and well hung, bugger I need to move to Newcastle! We don't have any of those in Worcester lol. See what a good friend I am to you!
First things first Ann get him to measure up and buy you curtains
(03-07-2011, 17:59)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Ah 25 and well hung, bugger I need to move to Newcastle! We don't have any of those in Worcester lol. See what a good friend I am to you!

plenty in Scotland
(03-07-2011, 19:23)Emily of Halifax Wrote: First things first Ann get him to measure up and buy you curtains
I like your thinking Emily! I shall put it to him!
Or should I say, I will make my desires known.
I keep getting a guy on cam wanting to be my maid, and wants to come and clean my house etc, in a little pinny or my underwear, so I am presuming this is the same sort of thing. Might be worth a try come September... He can do my ironing lol
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
You might have to teach him how Jayzee!
My slave texted to say he didn't think it would work so wouldn't be coming back. I said fair dos, then asked him for feedback as he was my first slave. He was fulsome with his praise of me, but said he already has a mistress and if he had told me that I wouldn't have seen him. I said he deserved a flogging, so he's decided to come back tomorrow for one!
Treat 'em mean appears to be the order of the day!
I think I might put an announcement up that I'm looking for slaves!
Bugger! you're house is a perfect playground for a needy slave too! Mind you, so is mine, but I've got my son knocking around in it that doesn't help much.

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