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Questions for Alan
(25-06-2011, 13:06)Emily of Halifax Wrote: How did i just no the would have something red on them hope you have your gardening gloves to match

No I haven't found any gloves with red on them yet, so if anyone finds any I'm a medium. Thanks x
Dear Alan,
I have some enforced down time from my garden, as I am away working. I remembered that in your gardening down time, you wrote books, made films and have become a chat show host. I would love to emulate your achievements. How do I start?
My Jamaican neighbours garden has a strange smell

Do all "pot" plants smell funny?
Maybe he has been feeding the birds with hemp seed.
(26-06-2011, 20:06)ShySmile Wrote: Dear Alan,
I have some enforced down time from my garden, as I am away working. I remembered that in your gardening down time, you wrote books, made films and have become a chat show host. I would love to emulate your achievements. How do I start?

I found this wonderful site called adultwork i found it to have so much potential in the networking field it allows you to broaden you horizons to the extreme.
They have sections where you can write blogs which helped me with my books,cam shows which le3d me into film making and also chat facilities which improved my hosting skills no end.

Give it a go you might find it beneficial


(26-06-2011, 20:08)wife4rent Wrote: My Jamaican neighbours garden has a strange smell

Do all "pot" plants smell funny?

I generally find that if they allow 'weeds' to grow in the pot it can give of quite a 'pun' gent aroma a small bit of advice though if they invite you to a small social gathering politely decline


Thanks Alan. I shall investigate Adultwork forthwith. It sounds a perfect training ground for a career in the media. You shall remain my number one role model.

Do you ever miss the simple days of getting out in our beautiful British nature, in your wellies with a load of manure and a fork? Do you ever find time to relax with all your commitments?
I make a concerted effort to stay very close to nature and all things naturally naturist there is nothing more invigorating than donning my wellies and shovelling shit although I have to add that I deal with a fair few shits in my professional life as well

Regards as always your role model

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