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Questions for Alan
We have a new member frequenting our boards: Welcome Alan Tit**marsh.

(24-06-2011, 09:24)Emily of Halifax Wrote:
(23-06-2011, 20:30)ShySmile Wrote: Let's talk about dandelions. Emily, how do you cultivate yours?

Well now that we are on a more cultural level my dandelions get lots of love and attention I have even been known to chat to the when hanging the washing out they are very responsive to a good old chin wag. They also get lots of watering as you can imagine with 3 dogs pissing all over them

Kind regards
Alan Titchmarsh

If you have a question for Alan, ask it here and maybe when time allows in his incredibly busy schedule, he'll be able to respond.
Hi Alan,
My back garden is covered in Horsetail. What should I do?
(24-06-2011, 09:59)ShySmile Wrote: We have a new member frequenting our boards: Welcome Alan Tit**marsh.

(24-06-2011, 09:24)Emily of Halifax Wrote:
(23-06-2011, 20:30)ShySmile Wrote: Let's talk about dandelions. Emily, how do you cultivate yours?

Well now that we are on a more cultural level my dandelions get lots of love and attention I have even been known to chat to the when hanging the washing out they are very responsive to a good old chin wag. They also get lots of watering as you can imagine with 3 dogs pissing all over them

Kind regards
Alan Titchmarsh

If you have a question for Alan, ask it here and maybe when time allows in his incredibly busy schedule, he'll be able to respond.
Hi Alan,
My back garden is covered in Horsetail. What should I do?

Close your curtains and it will all magically disappear
Fabulous advice, it's gone already. Thank you, Alan.
you are so welcome shy smile so a question for you charlie dimmock wants to no are you really shy

Regards Al
That Charlie with her dirty laugh and no bra. Hussy!
I'm nervous meeting new people, and babble. Taking my clothes off I do become really shy (until I get into the swing of things!) Guys don't think I'm shy until I'm hiding behind my baby doll, or the duvet! So, I try to concentrate on them, and make them feel comfortable ..... Massaging is great to start with, as they have their back to me! It takes my mind off the fact I'm getting naked!
Alan, I've put a load of weed killer down, and everything has died except the weeds. I've buried the bodies, but what now?
the weeds are feeding of the flesh of the dead bodies lay paving slabs over everything and make sure you have a bloody good alibi
Don't forget to lay plastic membrane down first, or the weeds will re-appear.
You are now my gardening apprentice Kate welcome to the green finger society get those wellies on girl
(25-06-2011, 12:19)Emily of Halifax Wrote: You are now my gardening apprentice Kate welcome to the green finger society get those wellies on girl

lol exciting! I love my tulip red wellies too!
How did i just no the would have something red on them hope you have your gardening gloves to match

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