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client time keeping
I invariably book two or three hours 99% of the time. From time A to time B. I don't like to rush and sometimes I am late. If I'm late, I have less time and I intend to be showered and away before time B. It's just polite. It is also my time, If that day I have got all I need in half the time, I will leave, apart from the those who I could chat to for ages. Ladies I have done this with for a while have even offered money back, told me I pay too much and a couple of times asked if I had anywhere to be and had not, been told to stop looking at the clock. Yet I would never expect the same next time or feel hard done by if not repeated.
I think to me and most other people that sounds simple and like teaching grandmother to suck eggs, yet some people always want something extra for nothing and will always take the piss.
i have offered the money back if the guy has booked a hour & ended up cumming before the half hour, always been looked at strangely then been told not to be silly
And yet there are some who will say that ladies that are not prepared to go over there time, don't really enjoy their work and are in it for the money. How varied the attitudes are.

I have to admit I saw a regular to day who told me in advance that although he had booked for 4pm, he could be flexible for any time afterwards. As it was I kept the 4pm booking and as I wanted to get onto the internet I arranged to meet him in the hotel bar rather than my room. When he came he bought me a drink and we chatted for a while and then we went into the room and got straight into the jacuzzi, which I have to say was a lot of fun.

When we eventually hit the bed, we ended up just chatting and stroking each other. My hair was wet so I was lay on a towel. Before we new it the time had flown by and it was well gone 2 hours and he had a 1 hour bookings. As I had asked him to meet me in the bar and I had offered to buy him a drink, although he actually bought me one an I had been talking mostly on the bed, we agreed to half the next hour cost and he paid me £190.

I'm more than happy with that. To be honest he is probably one of the only clients I take the money from after the booking, because it doesn't really feel like a booking, as much as seeing a good friend who I happen to have fun with. We get on very well. I don't want abuse his friendship, or for him to feel like I trapped him in to having to pay more etc I could have easily have checked the time earlier and reminded him his time was nearly up or just over, but I was enjoying his company.

Some times there has to be room for some give and take and as I didn't have another booking, there was no reason for concern, although he did drink half my bottle of Katy, which I was not impressed with lol.

With reference to the original topic. My lowest rate is £80 for half an hour and all my clients know that. I have some now that come to me knowing full well they only have 15/20 mins to spare, but they are happy with me and know they will have a good time, so prepared to pay what I charge and leave when they need to. I would never ask anyone to leave before thier time is up without good reason and if I did (depending on the reason) I would decide if a refund was needed or not, but I am more likely to offer extra time on the next meet.
a refund???

I would have given him a boot up his backside on the way out the door!!!

I have, on a few occasions, been with an escort that sees it as time's up once I have cum - but then she will never have the pleasure of seeing me again. I rarely expect to try for a 2nd time if there is only a short time left - but I think so much more of the girl if she happily lays with me on the bed, chatting about what we like and don't like - this to use for future bookings. Of course there are those that see it as a chance to answer texts that she may have received - and this also gets me a little narked (although if a girl is polite enough to ask then that is not a problem). As someone has always mentioned - if the charge is for the time, then please ladies - give us that time.

I used to have a regular girl that was never quick to rush me out of the door, she liked the company - but I always ensured I never out-stayed my welcome (I used to look for signs like yawning, getting ready for bed, making cocoa Smile )
Omg! I would never answer the phone when with a client during the clients time. Sometimes if the time has slightly over ridden and it is my family phone going I have asked to take it, but only if it is my son. If it was my Mum then I would be on there for a good half an hour and that would test the patience of a saint lol. I get annoyed with myself if I forget to put the phone on silent, let alone answer it!
no id never answer the phone either! thats so rude!!! lol

my clients know what they can and cant do and what theyre capable of lol

but a lot of clients like toc hat to me to find out what ive been up to and how ive been and usually have a good old chat about anything, its not just sex its conversation aswell x

(16-06-2011, 00:18)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: no id never answer the phone either! thats so rude!!! lol

my clients know what they can and cant do and what theyre capable of lol

but a lot of clients like toc hat to me to find out what ive been up to and how ive been and usually have a good old chat about anything, its not just sex its conversation aswell x

I find the blogs really help too tink, they often refer to mine and it gives us something to talk about and usually moves on swiftly to other things of interest. I seem to have made quite a few cry rently lol. I must put less doom and gloom in them from now on.
yeh defos!,....oh im never stuck for conversation im a right little chatter box haha

i dont know about you guys but i do have a gent ive been seing for about 2-3 years and hes is very open about his private life, when i firsr seen him he was single, then he got a girlfriend, so he said he would stop lol,..then he was enegaed and the decided to stop, but didnt, then he got married,...then still didnt stop, hes had a baby and still hasnt stopped,...obviously he talks about her and the baby whilst hes on the booking very openly, to the point to bring me photos!

..i know that it could be quite an addictive thing but im surprised how easily people talk about things like that, considering you know some people will give you a fake name haha
The answer is "No" refund - If he's blown his load early then there are still plenty of things you could do - Say, pop out and have a Coffee??!!
We've had a couple of occassions where a client has finished early, so once he'd had a shower, we showed him some of our Galleries & Movie Clips, chatted about whatelse we like to get upto etc.
Escorting as a Couple is a different scenario to being a single girl as it does very much rotate around a social side and well as a meet just for sex.

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