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client time keeping
hi guys!Heart

right this is one i sometimes deal with and i wanna know what you guys would do

i sometimes have clients who book an hour, but then say after 45mins they will go "as they wont cum again"

one guy asks me if they can have some of their money back,...of course i always say no as they have booked the hour and paid for the hour

whats your guys opinion on it?

Definately no refund as far as I am concerned they have booked your time and you will obviously have arranged your day and other appointments to fit.

If a guy suggested this to me I would be offended and he would definately go on my no answer list
That depends upon the circumstances. I have a client who books a certain time, and almost always leaves within that, yet each time he books the same time. I suspect he likes to feel he has plenty of time to relax in, and that's fair enough.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

I have two 'busy, busy' types who cum quickly and leave straight away (one within 10 mins on 3 occasions). It's not normal for me, and it's their choice. I'm happy for them to stay for the hour and we continue to play. They've never asked for a refund. I was worried about this and asked other punters on another forum. The consensus was they had booked an hour, and it was their choice to leave early so no refund was applicable - I'm happy with that.
well to be honest ive been doing it a couple years and ive never come across it ever! i was shocked to say the least and i obviously explained my reasons why and he wasnt having non of it i did threaten him with the police before he left.... i mean come on you obviously know what your body is capable of and you wont book for an hour if you know your going to be 5 mins really,....

as im sure you guys so i book my day to a tightly knit schedule and hate to have it broken
If I choose to leave early, I wouldn't expect a partial refund, however what does get me are the escorts who think that if a client has had an orgasm then the booking is over, irrespective of how much of the booked time is left.

It is even more annoying when they have a profile that states you are paying for their time, not what happens!

I was shocked the firsts time someone asked me how many times they can cum during the booking MrSmiths. I said, how can I answer that for you, surely you know what you are capable of better than me?, but that was not what he meant and he explained that some ladies stop the moment you have cum and I was shocked again! It makes no sense to me at all.

Mind you, I don't really understand Escorts who don't cum during bookings either. Why stop it if it is wanting to happen and surely if someone isn't hitting the right buttons, give them a helping hand. (That's what I do!).
It does happen though Kate, and it is frustrating when you are expecting an hour of someone's company, and they go all out to make you cum as quick as possible, and then start to get dressed the moment it has happened.

don't you get an indication from the feedback about things like that? I know guys tend to be a little over complimentary, as so do the girls sometimes, but surely if they have felt underchanged they wouldn't rave too much about the lady or there would be big gaps, no Field reports, etc?
well exactly my point guys, if its their time then they can stay for as long or a short as they like but they have booked for the hour,

i mean a GFE to me wouldnt be a cum and chuck him out the door lol

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