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Found out my girlfriend is an escort...don't know what to do.
(22-05-2017, 10:50)Cece Wrote: He just wants a back and fourth argument as he is getting off on it. Any normal person wouldn't of gone on a Adult sex forum and complained about his g/f, he is either a webcam punter or a escort punter and doesn't like the fact that his g/f is involved in it!

Mug Runcher - You are just clearly asking for a slap! If you really think that about escorts, what on earth are you doing on here then? lol men will always pay to see a escort they are keeping them in business!!

And also, why would I need to be a punter? For a start, i have a beautiful girlfriend who satisfies me in that way. Secondly, fuck no am I paying any penny for someone to pretend to be into me and make me feel good. If I really wanted, its not that hard to meet someone on a night out or through other means...I'm a student ffs. As it is, im not really into that.

I guess it may be shocking to you, considering the vast majority of men you interact with are horny, possibly naive guys cheating on their partners with you. (Sure there are many decent guys who solicit adult services too, not saying there arent). But I am a loyal partner.
Jesus,,, what have I missed??   The Panto of the year with the identical twins Mug Runcher and Random Guy.

You both have far too much time on your hands.
You are both ( presuming you are actually two different people) coming across as first rate idiots. You need to take a long, hard look at your ugly behaviour and misogynistic rants, and then crawl back to where you came. Preferably hanging your heads in shame and with your tails between your legs.

Joint prize to you both in the Dickhead of The Year Award.
(21-05-2017, 21:31)MsClara_Wilde Wrote: The only warped one here is you, at one point did your only functioning brain cell tell you that a bunch of adult workers would give one flying fuck about some randomers love life?

Did you see your reply to me? You are an asshole buddy.

She's clearly doing well for herself and you are a very bitter little boy whose story gets add ons in every post. First she was going to other mens places and now she's bringing them to yours to fuck in your bed.

I checked my receipt today and I didn't buy bullshit.

"I checked my receipt today and i didn't buy bullshit"  Heart

Haha love it!
(22-05-2017, 19:36)English-Caroline Wrote: Jesus,,, what have I missed??   The Panto of the year with the identical twins Mug Runcher and Random Guy.

You both have far too much time on your hands.
You are both ( presuming you are actually two different people) coming across as first rate idiots. You need to take a long, hard look at your ugly behaviour and misogynistic rants, and then crawl back to where you came. Preferably hanging your heads in shame and with your tails between your legs.

Joint prize to you both in the Dickhead of The Year Award.
What makes me a dickhead??? 

Because I don't like the fact that my partner is going out everyday with random perverted guys and getting screwed??? If that makes me a 'misogynist...then every male ever born is one. Pull your head out your vagina and face reality...because you people are living in a fantasy world. You make me sick.

You really think any man is going to find out that his long term partner is lying about her day job and instead is spending her time dining and drinking with random men before going to their room for sex, and is going to be like "oh thats fine darling, have a nice day at work!" 

If you do...then holy fuck, you really are twisted. I hope your husband/partner cheats on you. You deserve it.

So many filthy cunts on here with disgusting attitudes. Fucking no wonder why prostitutes get such a stigma attached to them... you are all deluded fucking idiots. Seriously, I fucking hope to high hell you people experience a similar situation...then come back to me you disgusting cunt.

You people are fucking shit. I pray that they make prostitution illegal.
Oh how deep your words cut keyboard warrior FizzyBalls.
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  • Ana_X, English-Caroline
(23-05-2017, 15:48)MsClara_Wilde Wrote: Oh how deep your words cut keyboard warrior FizzyBalls.

I've just been sent a very angry pm from Random Guy.

The poor deluded soul has clearly lost the plot.

I quote this from his pm.... "WTF is wrong with you??????"
How charming is that?? Sending abusive messages through the pm system!! Hiding behind his user name!!
Such an angry little troll. Such an ugly little troll. Such a silly little troll.

Doesn't he know how we all laugh at him? How we find his little back story such a pathetic piece of nonsense.
For an undergraduate, he has a very unusual amount of time on his hands.
For a man, he has such an extraordinary lack of intellect.

Now for some coffee,,, cake,,,,, and a good laugh at the fool.

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to English-Caroline for this post:
  • Ana_X
Seriously what did he come here for? Also how did he find this site in the first place? So many attention seekers these days, its ridiculous, i get similar emails with this nonsense its pathetic, whilst they are most likely wanking to our replies lol-how dumb do they think we are?! xxx
(23-05-2017, 16:46)Tara25 Wrote: Seriously what did he come here for? Also how did he find this site in the first place? So many attention seekers these days, its ridiculous, i get similar emails with this nonsense its pathetic, whilst they are most likely wanking to our replies lol-how dumb do they think we are?! xxx

Wanking to your replies? Fuck off you deluded twat.

Seriously this is exactly the problem. You people surround yourselves and engage with sex driven, money throwing desperate men who grovel to your every action and now you see every man as just a stupid testosterone driven pervert. Thats fucking wrong. I am completely genuine with my post and no I am not attention seekeing and I am looking for genuine advice. You people are actually despicable the way you see the world and men in particular.
Okay, let me break this down you absolute oxygen deprived retard.

No one cares about your story.

You're not going to get advice.

Fuck off.

Read it slowly and it will sink in.

Also, you're assuming we treat all men how we have treated you. Inaccurate and a false assumption. We only treat other dickheads how we have treated you.
OK....... in your own words, you "are looking for genuine advice"

Well, here it is...

1. If you have a relationship problem, the person to talk with is YOUR GIRLFRIEND.

2. NEVER air your relationship problems on a public forum.

3. Never, and I mean NEVER use inflammatory language on a public forum. Never use disgusting language and devalue the very people you ask for help.

4. Never make generalisations about of any one group of people. You have said vile things about sex workers. You have been exceptionally vile in your posts.

5. Have the common sense and good grace to understand that you can't expect help from people when you choose to treat them in this way.

6. Understand when it is time to retreat,,, and consider yourself very lucky if no further action is taken on this matter.


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