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Website Feedback - Search in particular
I find the "search" function on this site incredibly difficult to use. It appears in many ways to be slanted towards the Escort area and not webcam workers.

Sadly there does not appear to be an easy way to have a conversation with those who support and maintain this website.

Here is an example - if I want to find webcam members who use DirectCam and Skype and I don't care where they are but I so want to limit AGE and Price per Minute for Private sessions, going to the Rates & Availability tab it just provides a link to the main Webcam page.

Seriously, why can I not exclude my searches to list me only members I can afford?? I imagine that this is not an uncommon request, so why in the world can somebody not have that additional search criteria added? It is a database query and a bit of programming for crying out loud.

Anyone who can clarify why this is so difficult and why it seems impossible to be heard?
Hi, top right here provides a quick search for the age criteria, for the price range I will pass this feedback along to Webmaster for you.

And dont forget folks, if you have a suggestion for you may leave a note in the box here

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Thank you for your reply, and yes I have used the quick search but again I think it lacks granularity. The search also is missing `search within results' to take a massive result down to a more reasonable size.  This again is why more options that are relevant to the membership types are warranted as a feature request.  Also, why in the exclude area can I not exclude UK completely like I can for the USA or any other country?
Why I am asking this is because coming from Canada it is painfully expensive to convert from CAD to GBP or Euro, and then pay another 14% for using Paysafecard so the members I get from just about anywhere in the UK are more than my budget allows.

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