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New to this! Need advise! - ColeenaX - 31-03-2013

So as I've stated above I'm totally new to the adult industry
I've been modelling for 3 years now and have recently been given a high paid unpublished/anonymous adult job! Which will be happening in the next month or so (yes my nerves are going crazy!)
So basically my question is.. Can I get more unpublished/anonymous work for private clients?
The shoot/short film I have coming up is for a private client wanting implied sexual positions pictures and a short vid too and is paying quite alot of money, I understand I may very well get more work from this but I'm curious to no if I can get more work like this else where? That's is strictly anonymous and unpublished as I have children and still want to carry on with my other side of modelling. Without this work getting out there!
Any advise is appreciated Smile

RE: New to this! Need advise! - x Connie x - 31-03-2013

hi coleena, welcome Smile

just make sure you trust whoever is filming/photographing you. not sure how you are going to get more work from something that is unpublished? but good luck with it anyway x

RE: New to this! Need advise! - Trinity-Belle - 31-03-2013

Gosh... make sure you are happy with the contract and that there is a clause in there saying that all rights belong to you and it can not be published without your express permission - as I'm sure you know from your other modelling work, normally the model signs a release form and relinquishes ALL rights.

You need to try to protect yourself from the piece ending up out in the wild at some point in the future, maybe even years down the line.

I don't know of anywhere that acts as an agent for that kind of private unpublished work, but you might do well to contact Amica Bentley? She is on Adultwork as KinkyDirtyBitch and she has her own adult production company... she might have those sorts of openings on her books or might be open to the idea of moving into that line if she doesn't already?

Best of luck!


RE: New to this! Need advise! - ColeenaX - 31-03-2013

Wow thanks for the advise Smile I really appreciate it!
Well the lady that emailed me found me on purple port and we've only emailed she's explained that I will sign a contract that will specify that the images will not go anywhere and will be deleted as soon as they are printed out for the client
But one thing I am wary about and unsure about is the guy I've been paired up with she has asked me to do a "run through" with him before the day of the shoot and she said once we have done this run through and she knows all went well she will then buy my clothes and underwear extra for the shoot and we'll arrange the date from there
Does this normally happen? Are you usually required to do a rehearsal? She will not be there either... I mean I'm not being charged anything and I havnt got to put my hand in my pocket at all I'm just curious as to weather it's some guy wanting to get his end away?.... And then nothing comes of the shoot or she turns around and says he wasn't comfortable with you...
I've been with the same man for 4 years so this is a big step for me
I asked if she would call me to prove she's for real and she said she will next week once she's back from Egypt filming... Also her name is Melissa Cox but I can't find anything of her on the Internet in adult work..

RE: New to this! Need advise! - Trinity-Belle - 31-03-2013

I'm really sorry to break this to you, but that is a scam.

I am sorry honey... ask this woman to phone you... she will almost certainly make all kinds of excuses as to why she can't phone... probably because she doesn't actually exist.

This is some horny guy who is trying to get into your knickers for free.

We've had this exact same scenario come up here before.

I'm sure you realise from your modelling work, there is never a "run through"... you just turn up on the day and do it.

Edit: They do have phones in Egypt... don't they?

RE: New to this! Need advise! - lafille - 31-03-2013

Yeah screams SCAM, sorry hun think Trinny is right. Camille put a thread up here about the exact same thing a little while ago.

RE: New to this! Need advise! - x Connie x - 31-03-2013

yup, sorry, now that you mention the 'run through' - SCAM

don't worry, you'll soon get used to spotting them.

i would honestly, stay away from ANY filming, you're not doing yourself, if you are worried about anonymity, your family finding out, future modelling etc. even girls who've had contracts/copyright have run into problems - as its so complicated and expensive to fight these things once they are out there, total legality isn't always an issue for people.

i am naturally very paranoid so feel free to ignore the advice but do, be careful xx

RE: New to this! Need advise! - lafille - 31-03-2013

Just tried to get the link for you hun, but it's in the private webcammers area. Thread started by Camille. If you are on AW and get verified, you can get access on here.

RE: New to this! Need advise! - Ana_X - 31-03-2013

It's a scam which has been going around for ages, sorry Coleena, but rather you find out from us now and let him know it's not going to happen than turn up and end up being taken advantage of by a creep who fabricated the whole thing.

Stay safe out there, and well done for asking for other peoples input before going ahead with it!

RE: New to this! Need advise! - Trinity-Belle - 31-03-2013

Alternatively... set it all up, get the time the date and the place... and then I will send a lovely senior policeman "friend" of mine along to scare the shit out of this guy by flashing his warrant card and talking about abuse, conspiracy to commit rape, conspiracy to defraud and anything else he can dream up...