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Model Wanted Long Term Business
I'm looking for a model long term for onlyfans and a few other similar websites, for 50/50 of the profit made but you must be willing to take nude but not explicit pornographic images.

These are the other websites i will be using as well that are very similar to onlyfans, fansly, adultnode, deviantart, bestfans and patreon.
I will also be promoting your photos on instagram to get more reach and i will be offering instagram subscriptions, for the followers too.

You must have a good enough camera or if your phone camera quality is as good, then that will be fine but i will need to see 2 examples to see how good the quality is.

I will provide you with the links to the above including the instagram account, so you can keep track of everything that's going on with the accounts and see how they're growing.

I'm looking for a long term business partner who is serious in doing this long term, obviously you're not obliged to do anything and can just quit whenever.

The profit share is 50/50 which is non negotiable but all the profits will be from the subscriptions, including the instagram subscriptions and from any of the photos sold.
I will make it clear on all the websites as well as instagram that the photos are copyrighted.

The photos will only be used on the above sites and will not be shared anywhere else.

I'm happy to provide a screenshot of my passport via a pm or by email before we agree to anything, for security reasons so you feel more secure doing this.

I'm happy to discuss this further but if you are happy with the above and would like to pursue this, then please drop me a message.
Please only respond to this if you are genuinely serious in doing this, so i don't waste your time or mine.


Messages In This Thread
Model Wanted Long Term Business - by juliand123 - 30-01-2023, 22:58

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