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RE: 95% FAKE - sarahxxx - 09-05-2015

(08-05-2015, 18:47)torrentmike Wrote: Wife4rent, if you have that much time, go make more clients

I don't need to, when I do work, I get fully booked because I have many clients that I do not con and cheat.

(08-05-2015, 18:47)torrentmike Wrote: Your point of putting the blame on the punter themselves, I have to disagree. How can you be sure these are returning clients?

Returning clients? They are all returning clients, maybe to different girls establishments, and when they get mugged off like idiots they stay rather than walking.

(08-05-2015, 18:47)torrentmike Wrote: You should really not be defending for these offenders.

As I said above, it is quite clear from my posts that I am not defending the people doing it and have said time and time again that I do not agree with it. Unfortunately it would seem that you are too stupid to understand that.

If punters continually stay when they have been conned, then they make the matter worse for themselves. the simple solution is to stop doing it, don't have a go at me for your stupidity.

It is you that needs to stop defending the idiots that stay and pay.... If they did not do it, you would not have the problem.

Sarah x x x

RE: 95% FAKE - Strawberryblonde - 09-05-2015

Some men have told me that they returned to ladies who use photos which are not of themselves, or significantly different.

They either weren't aware because they'd not compared the photos, or just didn't give a stuff. I've heard one man say he doesn't care what the woman looks like. Some even return when the service is bad. They go back hoping that it'll improve, or from what I think is excitement and determination.

I've heard tales of men going back even after being scammed - paid and turfed out without service, to return and be robbed again. Others who thought perhaps they'd work up to getting what they wanted.........

Makes the mind boggle.

This doesn't however excuse providers who are operating the scams. There's all sorts of underhand behaviour going on behind some profiles. I often feel that it's an absolute minefield out there for servive seekers and do not envy them in that one bit! I'd not have a clue where to start if I was in their shoes.

RE: 95% FAKE - Nova70 - 09-05-2015

(09-05-2015, 12:52)Strawberryblonde Wrote: Some men have told me that they returned to ladies who use photos which are not of themselves, or significantly different.

They either weren't aware because they'd not compared the photos, or just didn't give a stuff. I've heard one man say he doesn't care what the woman looks like. Some even return when the service is bad. They go back hoping that it'll improve, or from what I think is excitement and determination.

I've heard tales of men going back even after being scammed - paid and turfed out without service, to return and be robbed again. Others who thought perhaps they'd work up to getting what they wanted.........

Makes the mind boggle.

This doesn't however excuse providers who are operating the scams. There's all sorts of underhand behaviour going on behind some profiles. I often feel that it's an absolute minefield out there for servive seekers and do not envy them in that one bit! I'd not have a clue where to start if I was in their shoes.

Yes it may well be true that some men don't care about fake photos and it may even be true that some men return even after being ripped off the first time but this IMO would be a small minority. The average b&S advert probably doesn't survive that long before being tumbled but still long enough to make enough money from a string of unsuspecting punters to have made the whole thing worthwhile and of course even when that profile is no longer usable because of negative feedback etc they can just move on to a new one and start the whole process again.

RE: 95% FAKE - Nova70 - 09-05-2015

(08-05-2015, 16:34)wife4rent Wrote:
(08-05-2015, 13:18)Nova70 Wrote: Don't feel the need to show some sort of solidarity with the women who pull these stunts just because you may think their sister WGs,

If you read and understood my posts, which are quite clear, I show no solidarity with anybody. Everybody is entitled to do as they wish, including punters.

The truth is I do get fed up of the "winging and whining" from guys, like yourself over something they have control of. It is simple, if you don't like it, don't do it. Don't blame others for your lack of self control. if I wake up with a hangover on Sunday morning after my night out I will not be blaming the waiter or bar man. I will know who was stupid for drinking to much, but at the time I am sure I will think I was ok to have another (large) glass of wine.

(08-05-2015, 13:18)Nova70 Wrote: as I pointed out before their depriving the honest WGs of income as well as ripping off the punters.

Sorry, that really does not wash with me, as I said above, I have no idea why they do it as I am sure if they were honest they would attract the punters that want to see them. (which shows a lack of solidarity, rather than in favour).

Sarah x x x

So you have no idea why they do it Sarah ?, well I will let you into the secret it's for the money, but I think you knew that really didn't you. These sort of scams are mainly going to attract first time or inexperienced punters and as you obviously have never experienced the scenario don't be so quick to say it wouldn't stop someone from ever doing it again. You will often find that b&s is combined with a do as little as possible attitude which could well leave a first time punter thinking "what a waste of time and money that was" and just assuming that this experience is typical of what they can expect in the future.

As for staying when you realise it's a b&s well you could have already incurred expenses such as travel etc, you may have popped a pill, your opportunities to punt may be limited so your hormones are screaming that you need to do this. Please stop trying to shift the blame from the real source of the problem they are not your sister wgs they are crooks plain and simple.

RE: 95% FAKE - torrentmike - 09-05-2015

I absolutely agree with Nova with the DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE ATTITUDE. Its organized crime designed only to bait, and take punters money with minimal service in return. The fact that these brothels are ILLEGAL, and the debate of health(bareback), safety(bad rep) give more enough reason to stay away.

RE: 95% FAKE - annabelle - 11-05-2015

This reminds me of the fact that years ago, we would not see anyone for less than 200 per hour, then no one for 150 per hour. Nowadays anything is possible. If punters would not go for such low prices, or brothels, maybe these people would give up and go back to their countries of origin. After all, for them is a 'business' trip as they move from country to country doing the same things.

RE: 95% FAKE - Strawberryblonde - 11-05-2015

I don't necessarily think this is a pricing issue, or an immigration issue.

Scams and false advertising are also practiced by British nationals.

RE: 95% FAKE - Nova70 - 11-05-2015

(11-05-2015, 12:27)Strawberryblonde Wrote: I don't necessarily think this is a pricing issue, or an immigration issue.

Scams and false advertising are also practiced by British nationals.

Yes absolutely right, you will find scams in all price brackets peddled by all nationalities it's just that some nationalities are doing it on a larger and more organised scale.

Some who have commented on this thread have shown some sympathy for those who pull these stunts whilst still condemning their behaviour, please remember one thing, these people regard the punters as mugs but probably have equal contempt for wgs who do provide an honest service, their view would be why are you bothering when you can just rip people off.

RE: 95% FAKE - Strawberryblonde - 11-05-2015

(11-05-2015, 15:29)Nova70 Wrote:
(11-05-2015, 12:27)Strawberryblonde Wrote: I don't necessarily think this is a pricing issue, or an immigration issue.

Scams and false advertising are also practiced by British nationals.

Yes absolutely right, you will find scams in all price brackets peddled by all nationalities it's just that some nationalities are doing it on a larger and more organised scale.

Some who have commented on this thread have shown some sympathy for those who pull these stunts whilst still condemning their behaviour, please remember one thing, these people regard the punters as mugs but probably have equal contempt for wgs who do provide an honest service, their view would be why are you bothering when you can just rip people off.

My view is why spend all that time luring men in, when if you gave a good service you can get a good reputation, repeat business and more new clients?

Half the battle is getting clients to the door, once there I can't see why someone would risk their own safety, and bad reviews or clients walking away when in 30 minute or an hour they can earn the money without all that hassle.

I also think that is partly what W4R is trying to say - to a genuine provider it doesn't make sense.

I do know it goes on, and it is frustrating.

RE: 95% FAKE - Nova70 - 11-05-2015

Well from this punters perspective your attitude is spot on, I'm prepared for a little Photoshopping it comes with the territory but it really is all about service, if I get the services I agree and pay for delivered with a little skill and enthusiasm even if it's fake enthusiasm the chances are I will return.