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How do you relax? - Printable Version

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How do you relax? - Charlotte-Rose - 10-02-2013

What sort of things do you do to relax and unwind?

Charlie x

RE: How do you relax? - Trinity-Belle - 10-02-2013

I like to read... although can't do much of that because I'm dyslexic and reading makes me very tired very quickly. I run, play the guitar, study the Bible (no, seriously, I really do!), try to get my head around Polish (which is possibly the hardest language I've ever had a go at) do some stretching exercises and some meditation too.

Otherwise I like to socialise. I love to spend time with people... people are great! I can't imagine what life is for if not for being with other people. I'd like to live in a commune Smile


RE: How do you relax? - kitty - 10-02-2013

Drawing, actually here's one I did last night/this morning.

Was considering selling artwork on AW but I don't think abstract art is really what guys are looking for on AW marketplace Tongue

RE: How do you relax? - Trinity-Belle - 10-02-2013

(10-02-2013, 14:46)kitty Wrote: Drawing, actually here's one I did last night/this morning.

Was considering selling artwork on AW but I don't think abstract art is really what guys are looking for on AW marketplace Tongue

Wow! That is very cool! Quite a lot of pain in that though... are you okay?

I used to draw, like you, fairly abstract... but I haven't done in years.

RE: How do you relax? - kitty - 10-02-2013

I'm ok, they're worse when I'm stressed Tongue

RE: How do you relax? - Trinity-Belle - 10-02-2013

Bloody hell!

That one looks like the inside of my head when it all gets to much... the edge of the storm after the calm.

I can see lots of anger, fear, bitterness... frustration... it looks like a silent scream on the brink of ringing.

Maybe I'm projecting? lol.

RE: How do you relax? - blue-satin - 10-02-2013

Hi Charlie,
like to read classics and read them over again, only the next time from the view point of another character. Sounds strange I know..

I love going to antique fairs am not to sure if this is relaxing, but I so love the buzz.

Although I am quite musically eclectic, I do adore Classical Music, I find it very relaxing.

Sitting on a beach.

This one is quite out of character,
Sticking pins in someone who as taken the pee out me so long, years in fact...Now, that makes me feel so much better loll

Bluesatin xxxx

RE: How do you relax? - Passionate Penny - 10-02-2013

Im a lady who loves to lunch and as I can set my own hours I can easily do that. Not on my own but with friends in the industry. I like to get stuck into a good book, and like to watch films or tv series Ive missed out on. Currently on Series 2 of Downton Abbey. I enjoy walking too, and try and walk most days. Depends if I have company or not as to where I walk.

Penny x x x

RE: How do you relax? - Charlotte-Rose - 10-02-2013

(10-02-2013, 14:21)Trinity-Belle Wrote: I like to read... although can't do much of that because I'm dyslexic and reading makes me very tired very quickly. I run, play the guitar, study the Bible (no, seriously, I really do!), try to get my head around Polish (which is possibly the hardest language I've ever had a go at) do some stretching exercises and some meditation too.

Otherwise I like to socialise. I love to spend time with people... people are great! I can't imagine what life is for if not for being with other people. I'd like to live in a commune Smile


Wow the guitar!
I used to sing in a rock band for a couple of years. I love music.
I'd also like to learn a language I've been thinking about a night class in French

C x

RE: How do you relax? - Charlotte-Rose - 10-02-2013

(10-02-2013, 14:46)kitty Wrote: Drawing, actually here's one I did last night/this morning.

Was considering selling artwork on AW but I don't think abstract art is really what guys are looking for on AW marketplace Tongue

That pic is so cool!

I love it!
I can draw hands but that's it Cool