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Oh No, here we go again...Ban on porn - Printable Version

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Oh No, here we go again...Ban on porn - blue-satin - 28-06-2012

Hi all, found this, although not sure if anyone as posted the article already..If so do accepted my apologies for duplication.

paste the link and it will take you to it...

Have a good day Bluesatin xxx

RE: Oh No, here we go again...Ban on porn - Classy_Katy - 28-06-2012

Interesting how they say they'll ask parents...wonder if they really mean both the parents since they may get different responses from the father and the mother!

What ever happened to watching what children are doing?! I can't see it happening but you never know.

RE: Oh No, here we go again...Ban on porn - sarahxxx - 29-06-2012

There are already methods in place that people can use to stop children accessing porn etc, the problem is not with the porn but the responsibilities of parents, or the lack of it. When are they going to start to cure the root of the problem which is socially based rather than just clamping down on anything and everything.

I have been told by friends in Spain that if your child does not attent school the police will visit you to discuss the problem and that starts from when the child starts school..

Sarah x x x