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Squirting! - Toy-Boy-69 - 23-06-2012

I know several topics have touched on the "Female orgasm" and whilst I have experienced it with 3 wgs I have never experienced it with any girlfriends, wives or mistresses in "real life", yes several have got very, very wet but none have actually spurted.
I was talking to a girl the other day and she believes that it's probably just piss.Confused

Has anyone experienced this phenomenon with anyone other than a wg or is it something that has been invented for us poor punters?

RE: Squirting! - dianamurphy - 23-06-2012

I squirted before I became a WG loads... does that count??? Oh and I've made other girls squirt as well...

It is not just piss at all either and it's shocking some people still believe this. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to relax and 'go with the flow' if you pardon the pun!

RE: Squirting! - Freddo - 24-06-2012

I have made a few ladies squirt and its a fantastic experience

RE: Squirting! - iluvjem - 24-06-2012

I've never (actually I may have once when I was a teenager)... and actually have no desire to lol

I know this apparently makes me weird Confused

RE: Squirting! - Playmate Tabitha - 25-06-2012

Certainly not wee! Completely different part of the anatomy. Its a small sack of fluid situated about 3rd way up behind wall of vagina. It can be felt and if stimlated the right way and hard enough, then this little sack bursts and causes the squirt.
Anyone can learn the technique, but relaxing is the key to letting go and its an amazing feeling when it happens. The fluid is sweet (bit like coconut juice) and thats why guys love it, don't think they feel the same about wee unless they into W/S's!!