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Seems to be time wasters - Printable Version

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Seems to be time wasters - Jack12345 - 19-06-2012

I have been seeing the same escort for a few weeks now and last time I saw her she said that she had 3 men call and book her and then one cancelled and one just did not turn up and the other turned up really late. I just wonder why people do this sort of thing. If you are going to book an escort then you should turn up on time or give lots of notice if you can't make the booking. Now there are lots of nice blokes out there that just want some fun with an escort and want to treat them right please do not ruin it for us.
I also no that there are a few escorts that are time wasters and scammers so it works both ways.

RE: Seems to be time wasters - Trinity-Belle - 19-06-2012

It's just a fact of life... we just geet on with it.

But it does seem to happen in "waves". So you will be running along just fine for weeks, then all of a sudden almost everyone just doesn't show up or cancels or wants to move their booking... just for a few days... then all back to normal again.

I blame sun spots.

RE: Seems to be time wasters - kinkydirtybitch - 19-06-2012

They can waste as much time as they feel they must - I take my bookings on DirectChat & require a deposit so I'm virtually timewaster proof these days!

Eat or be eaten!

RE: Seems to be time wasters - curlytots - 22-06-2012

Well said KDB!

RE: Seems to be time wasters - Freddo - 22-06-2012

There are good and bad on both sides of the fence, you just have to sort them out it can be expensive trying to find that elusive escort that does what she says she does, but it can be worth it in the end, expensive is not just about the money, its about the time the inconviennence as well