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To Be Pimped Or Not? - Printable Version

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To Be Pimped Or Not? - sarahxxx - 19-10-2011

Just wondering on thoughts regards pimping and how people see it. In general terms anybody who makes money out of a female that sells themselves for sex is a pimp.

Adultwork must be the largest "Pimp" ever....


RE: To Be Pimped Or Not? - tinkerbell - 19-10-2011

i dont like it, its not the 70's

RE: To Be Pimped Or Not? - iluvjem - 19-10-2011

I think that comes down the person doing it and the manner it is being done. Like Tink says the 70's pimp image is just ridiculous but there is no reason why it couldn't work in a professional way. Agencies are essentially that.

In theory If someone did all the promotion and did the job of bringing punters in, answer phones etc then yes I'd be happy for them to have a cut. It's business at the end of the day and if the "pimp" could produce results I'd be thrilled....

Of course that's in an ideal professional word.

This is the adult industry and the subject matter makes it harder to trust people hence why I work alone Rolleyes

The trust goes on all levels and that includes trusting there judgement on the client they've taken the booking from. I recently got contacted by someone starting an agency for Doms only. I declined as it's such a specialist area i couldn't possible let someone else take bookings for me Dodgy

I did contact an agency once as they advertised the offered BBWs and doms etc (where in the beginning all agencies turned me down for not being a size 8) This agency "took me on" and all they did was set up an AW profile (well done), lied about my dress size by alot, lied about my hair colour??? and gave me a stupid name! Lucky a member alerted me to it.

I gave up "being pimped" after that Angry

RE: To Be Pimped Or Not? - Laudanum - 19-10-2011

I get asked to pimp men out a lot, but I don't think the guys realise what they're asking for.

RE: To Be Pimped Or Not? - DivineMissG - 20-10-2011

As long as said pimp realises he works for you and not the other way around it's fine... Unfortunately most don't... I've never come across one anyway!