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Our first MMF - Printable Version

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Our first MMF - jayzee77 - 25-07-2011

OK my take on the evening..

This guy had mailed on AW to say he was up for MMF and had previous experience as he had done a lot of swinging. Initially we couldn't do the day he wanted but I checked with DrC and we suggested the Saturday night to which he agreed, I always take bookings with a pinch of salt as we have had so many time wasters.
He text back on Saturday to say he could only afford half hour and was really sorry, DrC and my self were both keen and were geared up to try it and both said at least if its only half an hour if we hate it, its not going to go on forever, so sent hi a message to tell him half hour would be ok.

We both showered and shaved and made rooms look reasonable, then sat and waited.. 9pm the allotted time came and went.. said to DrC another waster.. I felt relieved but also disappointed! so I texted him '?' and a couple of seconds later the guy phoned he was lost and couldn't find us on the sat nav… he was coming!! argh!!

The knock on the door came and we let him in… In walked a guy I would say mid 40s not particularly tall, portly, with a beard. My initial thoughts were.. beard is going to be itchy! But he had a cheeky smile and i knew he could tell I was nervous, as he kept giving my glances. We chatted for a bit and offered him a drink.. but he declined.. he seemed to be keen to get his hands on me for some reason.. So DrC started things off, I was wearing a tight top and short summer skirt with my not so expensive underwear.As I started Kissing DrC the other guy came up at the other side and began running his hands over me, I was nervous but excitement was taking over, he began kissing my neck and I could feel his hands under my skirt quickly feeling how wet I was, before I knew it I was kissing him and DrC in turn, checking we were both comfy with what was happening DrC removed my top and the other guy whipped off my bra, both were on my boobs sucking and licking, it felt so good, but so weird too, along with two hands taking my knickers and shirt off, my legs were just about giving way, and I had to stop them briefly! the guy then bent down and started licking me and fingering me at the same time, whilst DrC concentrated on other things. I had managed to pull down their trousers and pants, and was enjoying having two pierced cocks in my hands as this guy also had a prince albert the same as DrC. Next I asked if they would like me to do some licking of them and don't think I've seen two guys whip a condom on so quickly! luckily we bought some flavoured ones! Both guys were immersed in bliss I think and the guy commented to DrC that I was very good at it.

We then moved on to the the sofa as DrC said he wanted to see me fucked, so i got on top of the, I was very wet so there were no problems then, DrC watched for a while the said he wanted to try and achieve DP, it was rather unsuccessful on the sofa so we went upstairs to try it more comfortably on the bed, Again I got on top of the guy whilst DrC entered from behind, both guys pushing in to me quite deeply.. i couldn't help but get a bit noisy.. The DP was more forgiving than having two dildos in there and didn't feel quite as i imagines but still very good. It all became too much for DrC and he came, The guy asked me to go on to my back so DrC stood there watching as other guy hooked my leg up over his shoulder.. (nearly dislocating my hip joint in the process!!) and he proceeded to pound me as my DrC sucked on my nipples. He eventually came and DrC asked him to help me cum, so i had one of them on each nipple and the guy had his fingers inside me, whilst i was fingering my self.. i've done it on cam but it was still a bit weird doing it in front of someone else. It all got too much for me and i came.. we sat chatting on the bed for half an hour before i suggested we might be civilised and go down stairs. DrC offered the guy a drink and we all sat there chatting till about 11pm

We were both still on a high and both had enjoyed it, i went upstairs to bed and didn't bother wearing any clothes as i knew DrCw ould be wanting me again, and he did quickly fucking me and then helping me cum again.

Was it good… yes, would i do it again.. yes! it helped that the guy was really nice and he plans on coming back to us again.

There you go Lolo, as requested.

RE: Our first MMF - abcdef - 25-07-2011

brilliant jay, i hope its the start of many great encounters for u both

RE: Our first MMF - MrSmith767 - 25-07-2011

Great account Jayzee

RE: Our first MMF - SassyAnn - 25-07-2011

Fantastic. Jealous, jealous, jealous.

RE: Our first MMF - doctorcat - 26-07-2011

Nice one. Lets do it again :-)

RE: Our first MMF - jayzee77 - 26-07-2011

I'm sure we will

RE: Our first MMF - English Kate - 28-07-2011

Sounds like you had a fantastic time and yes it really helps when everyone feels comfortable with each other.

The business lady in me is asking you to remember your time management. It's not fair to charge one person for half an hour and the next for an hour if both are getting the same deal, but... as a first time I think it went really well and I can understand why the night went on. It was a first after all!

Remember, what Kate says is law! lol