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hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - Printable Version

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hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - crystal denison - 24-07-2011

well only i cud go on holiday and 2 days into fall down the stairs and mess my foot up Smile still got a foot the size of a mellon but i am finally not in so much pain that i am back on the net lol altho cant work for a good 3 weeks Sad its been a nice break tho and ive spent some time with family and mates , thought id pop on and say hello lol xx

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - abcdef - 24-07-2011

sorry to her that crystal, hope u are feeling better, where did u go on holiday

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - crystal denison - 24-07-2011

not far lol nuneaton (near liverpool lol )

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - abcdef - 24-07-2011

(24-07-2011, 20:28)crystal denison Wrote: not far lol nuneaton (near liverpool lol )

at least u werent abroad

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - Hicky - 24-07-2011

At least you were close to a hospital. As some one who has recntly broke a bone you have me commiserations. Hope you are fully fit soon and without complications.

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - crystal denison - 24-07-2011

yeah me too its funny thinking back on it , i was in my pjs at aNe

but when i did it all i can remember is screaming and crying and a 6 yr old telling me id only hurt my foot i wasnt gunna die lol
think they were more annoyed they didnt get a day off school haha

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - MrSmith767 - 24-07-2011

Glad to hear you aren't too badly damaged

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - crystal denison - 24-07-2011

thanks lol bit quiet on here tnite x

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - abcdef - 24-07-2011

typical child lol wonder how many times they have been told that

RE: hey im back after falling down the stairs :) - crystal denison - 24-07-2011

i know there are so heartless to me (my mates kids) altho one of them did give me a hug lol