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Hi everyone (newbie) Big Grin

Just wondered about the tuesday cut off day for processing payments..

Does this mean I can transfer anytime until midnight Tuesday or should I do it today? (Monday)....

Also confused why it's telling me I cant transfer as I have a negative balance... the only things I've paid for on AW are two directcam positioning slots at £1 each, and one profile feature @£7.49 I think....

It's telling me I owe £7.50 which obviously doesnt account for the above.. and I'm confused as I've already paid for these no? In my statement it looks like it was debited from my running total at the time so am I paying twice???

The 'help' file for the negative balance issue is really confusing too!

Sorry if these subjects have been covered before anyway


welcome to the forum sid

has anyone bought anything like private galleries etc ... were the credits from directcam ready for transfer
What you might find when you go to transfer credits is that there is a message at the top that says that it is basically top heavy. If you click on the 'here' in the text it will sort it out, or just look at the amount and de-select payments to that amount. See how much money is left to be deposited after their humongous cut and it if it still enough then put your transfer through. It needs to be a minimum of £100 for cheques and £150 for bank transfers. It's always best to leave a little float in there as well to pay for phone display etc.

I assume Tuesday office hours. I don't know what the time is where they are.
Thanks.. yeah its over the 150 (for transfer) so thats not the problem.. and I did click the button for it to sort out the negative balance.. I just didnt understand what it was all about as I thought I had already paid for the directcam positioning etc....It's all ready for transfer, it's been 24 hours.

Just confused.. I don't understand what they're taking more cash for? And yeah, the 30% really takes a chunk out of your earnings eh! But from what I've seen and heard I'ts a lot less than some other webcam sites.. some charge up to 70-80% I think!
I'll do the transfer tomorrow morning then.. Just didn't want to miss it and have to wait another week for me money! It looks like it's already gonna take a month or so to get it!

Guess once your doing regular transfer requests the money will become regular though.

Im stuck not being able to verify my account which is annoying too.. I don't have a passport, and for som reason O2 have me on the over 18 lock thing, so every time I log in I get the verification text but can't do anything about it!
I had to go into the shop to get the verification lock lifted and they did it instantly. Just go to your local 02 shop for that.

I think it it is to do with what lolo mentioned. If you have funds owing you in days forward (ie paid to see private gallery for 3 days) you don't get the funds until the 3rd day, but it still shows as funds earned. Check the release dates for the last credit transactions and you might find that is the case.

If you do a transfer weekly, then yes it should start to come in on a regular weekly basis. Me I'm lazy and don't do a lot to earn my credits, so tend to use them for advertising and once every 3 months, I'll have accumulated enough to do a decent transfer. I'm not complaining, it works nicely for me, as most of my earnings is in the Escorting.
(18-07-2011, 19:56)londonpunk Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everyone (newbie) Big Grin

Just wondered about the tuesday cut off day for processing payments..

Does this mean I can transfer anytime until midnight Tuesday or should I do it today? (Monday)....

Also confused why it's telling me I cant transfer as I have a negative balance... the only things I've paid for on AW are two directcam positioning slots at £1 each, and one profile feature @£7.49 I think....

It's telling me I owe £7.50 which obviously doesnt account for the above.. and I'm confused as I've already paid for these no? In my statement it looks like it was debited from my running total at the time so am I paying twice???

The 'help' file for the negative balance issue is really confusing too!

Sorry if these subjects have been covered before anyway


I do my transfers every monday before Midnight.

You don't "owe money", you get a negative balance when you're trying to transfer funds that have not "cleared yet". For example if you sell prvate gallery views for 1 credit for 24 hours. You dont get that credit until the customers 24 hours are up. If you sold views at a week you dont get the credit until the week is up.

When you go to do a transfer you might see your total is in red/negative. Yes you can "click here to correct this problem" but it doesnt always work. You will see on your transfer statement that every transaction you've had is listed with a tick box next to it. Simply start "unticking" your most recent transactions until your transer balance is green.

I hope that makes sense. It is rather complicated but eventually you wont even think about it Sleepy

Maybe you have credits in escrow and already mentioned, you have credit that not available for transfer (now)and you have to wait a day.

I think 30% is great value for the services that are offered , I can't complain. Yes of course it would be lovely getting the full amount but that's not gonna happen.
Great,, thanks for clearing that up! Smile
(18-07-2011, 20:27)londonpunk Wrote: [ -> ]Im stuck not being able to verify my account which is annoying too.. I don't have a passport, and for som reason O2 have me on the over 18 lock thing, so every time I log in I get the verification text but can't do anything about it!

O2 do that to everyone, when you try to verify your number you should get a text from o2 (I did) saying that you are trying to access an age restricted service, and it gives you a number to call.

Call the (automated) number, and enter your credit card details. O2 take £1 of your credit card, and give you £2 back on your next bill.

PS, you don't need a passport to verify, you can do it with other photo ID like a driving licence
(18-07-2011, 23:07)MrSmith767 Wrote: [ -> ]
(18-07-2011, 20:27)londonpunk Wrote: [ -> ]Im stuck not being able to verify my account which is annoying too.. I don't have a passport, and for som reason O2 have me on the over 18 lock thing, so every time I log in I get the verification text but can't do anything about it!

O2 do that to everyone, when you try to verify your number you should get a text from o2 (I did) saying that you are trying to access an age restricted service, and it gives you a number to call.

Call the (automated) number, and enter your credit card details. O2 take £1 of your credit card, and give you £2 back on your next bill.

PS, you don't need a passport to verify, you can do it with other photo ID like a driving licence

I couldn't do that with my phone, so I had to go in to the shop. Most embarrasing. I just said that at my age I didn't like someone else putting restrictions on me thank you very much!
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