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Full Version: Sad sad orrible day
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we got up yesterday morning I came downstairs and new instantly that there was something wrong with sophie our little westie she could not stand her whole body tilted to the left , she was shaking ,drooling and her eyes were flickering back and forwards on top of that her little head was cocked permanently to the side. At the time I honestly thought she had had a stroke.

Took her to the vets as soon as they opened they said that they said that she had some disease but to be honest I cant even remember what they called it they admitted her gave her antibiotics steroids antisickness drugs and stroke drugs just in case and said a lot of the time this type of thing was self rectifying, they kept her over night to monitor her and just incase anything else happened that there was someone on hand that new what to do.

We phoned at 930 this morning they told us that there as no change but that she had been bleeding from one of her ears through the night so they were going to perform surgery on her ears to try and clear them (it is a very common westie problem for them to have problems with there ears which sophie did have.

The surgery and xrays that they did showed that she had 2 tumours the size of golf balls one behind each ear that was putting so much pressure on her brain that as staring to cause brain danage one of the tumours had actually burst and was seeping into her brain already according to the vet small dogs that are so loving and timid will stand so much pain that they dont want to upset there owners all they want to do is please i hate to think she was in pain and could not let us no.

Needless to say we had to have her put to sleep it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but she fell asleep in my arms and felt no more pain, they wanted to cremate her but maybe right or wrong I was not leaving her alone there so we brought her home we burried her tonight somehere that we know will never be tampered and she is out of pain but god it is so hard i miss her so much already keep expecting her to appear from nowhere but I no she wont

sorry for going on a bit but just had to get it out of my system I suppose and sorry for spelling mistakes but a bit upset a the minute
So sorry Emily - how upsetting for you. I am sure you will greatly miss her.
Oh Ems, how awful. Big hugs to you and the family (human and doggy).
Words can not express how deeply I feel for you. My love is with you both xx
Sorry Emily, I am sure you will miss her.
My heart is with you, we lost our 12 year old dog recently and it was hurtful, he was a massive, 45kg, bundle of trouble, a right pain in the A*** But we gave him a good life, I hope, and he was always full of fun, he was a pleasure to have had live with us and missed every day since + we are a lot fatter for not taking our 45+ min exercise routine twice a day

I would not have another dog in my life, but never say never... been there done that!


PS He was cremated and buried in the local cemetery, don't ask it is not official
Thanks for all your lovely comments dont know what to say really and i no that makes a first its just really comforting to know that you are all there thanks again x
(15-07-2011, 00:38)wife4rent Wrote: [ -> ]My heart is with you, we lost our 12 year old dog recently and it was hurtful, he was a massive, 45kg, bundle of trouble, a right pain in the A*** But we gave him a good life, I hope, and he was always full of fun, he was a pleasure to have had live with us and missed every day since + we are a lot fatter for not taking our 45+ min exercise routine twice a day

I would not have another dog in my life, but never say never... been there done that!


PS He was cremated and buried in the local cemetery, don't ask it is not official

If i am honest if this had have happened 2 months ago before we got the puppies and before this happemed we would not have kept the puppies because you do not know what the heartbreak will bring me and hubby have had this conversation today we would not have had another dogs but things are different its hard and I have found it very hard the last couple of days with the puppies but at the end of the day they are helpless animals that deserve love ,we know how to handle and cope with our emotions they dont they are helpless. My outlook now is if you can give an animal a decent loving life you will get so muchback in return it is priceless and so rewarding
[Image: my_boy.JPG]

Slightly bigger than a Westie, but he did have a best friend that was, but then he was every bodies friend, or would be if they did not cross the road to avoid him.

(15-07-2011, 01:05)wife4rent Wrote: [ -> ][Image: my_boy.JPG]

Slightly bigger than a Westie, but he did have a best friend that was, but then he was every bodies friend, or would be if they did not cross the road to avoid him.


He is absolutely beutiful Sarah we have the same problem we take the alsations out and it is like moses and the parting of the waves people dont realise how loving dogs t can be its just the stereotype of the breed that scares people away such a shame

A big softie at heart but we have a friend with a Westie that used to boss him about big time and he would run scared. Could I suffer another? It breaks your heart when you lose one and we have had 3

He would sit in a pub and have the local kids all climb over him for a beer and a bag of crisps @ 12 he had the life of a puppy but had a bowel cancer / tumour
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