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I've had nothing but timewasters this week.
No Ann it is them - they are stupid.
Thank you, Hicky. Promoted to the top of my 'Says just the right thing' list. x
I've had my share Ann. The French guy who didn't turn up at 9.30am and then that Steve guy (not his real name) who tried to send me to a bogus address tried to book me for two hours today. He gave me a new address in Birmingham and told me to go there. He then rang, as I did not answer his text and I told him why I was not answering and asked him why he made a fake booking in the first place if he really did want to meet me and he said, 'I was just trying to wind you up'. Cheeky bugger!

Thankfully 3 bookings did come good though, as I had to take yesterday off due to IBS. I jus love my body!

It's not just you, I've some right charmers just today even! Dodgy

The first person to come up with a solution to this would no doubt get free punts for the rest of their short, energetic and fun filled life before death by a sex induced heart attack.
It sure must be a pain in the arse to live with but the ladies I have met sure have some great stories about the time bandits.
we all get them ann they do it once fine they try again i tell them their numbers are listed online as wasting time, they dont try again
Had you travelled there'd already Kate or did you Susa it before going?
No I used google earth on the first occassion to try and work out where he was and the postcode was not in the area he was telling me he lived in. I realised at that point he had given me a fake address. This time he has given me another address in Birmingham and he hasn't got a cat in hells chance of getting me to drive there with his past record.

Yesterday I told him the only way I would meet him was if he came to me, so he text back. I'll be there at midnight. I told him that I would not be there, as it's too late and then he said I have to go to him then. I said 'My terms or we don't meet' and he came back with, 'My terms only! Do you want to be humiliated again!'. I was sat on the loo when I got this message lol. I told him that I had not been humiliated and he was embarrasing himself and I have not heard from him again since.
I had another weird call yesterday as well. Every now and again this 20 year old calls me. I say hello and then he says nothing. I have to coax him to speak. He asked to see me yesterday which was the first time he had actually made a booking. I said ok and asked him if he was driving and he said yes, so I gave him some basic directions. He was meant to be coming straight round and yet he then text me to ask me what I would be wearing. I told him not to text and drive, as it is dangerous (I'm such a Mother!). He then said he was not driving, as his friend was driving. I then cancelled the booking.

He wanted to know why I didn't want a third party knowing where I lived, so I tell him due to dicretion. He said ok, but I had a belly full by now, as he has been calling me on and off for months and told him that I did not believe that he was ever coming and not to contact me again. He then wrote, 'I don't like you!' which made me laugh my head off. Wtf?

I think he must have been 15 or something lol.
Lol, probably wanking furiously in his bedroom at the thought!
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