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Full Version: Profile shows on tour - but not on search
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I have changed the tour details on my profile to show I am in London on tour. But when I search London, I still show in Norwich. What am I doing wrong?
It doesn't move your profile - it puts a link 2 weeks ahead to any tours in the area.
I never got the hang of using the Tour feature, I think it is ok to use to announce you will be in an area

Just change your location to where you are working

Sarah x x x
(22-11-2016, 10:27)sarahxxx Wrote: [ -> ]I never got the hang of using the Tour feature, I think it is ok to use to announce you will be in an area

Just change your location to where you are working

Sarah x x x
Yeah agreed with you
Hello, you do not see it in the search, because Google has not yet gone through your profile and it has not been optimized, try to make a linktree and then put the link in your profile and wait a couple of days and try again.
i dont think google has anything to do with tours ? maybe if you just googled "aw girls in my town", but not for when you use aw to search members.

from when I've searched tours before I've seen girls profiles still showing their usual location but they have a link that says "I'm on tour" and it tells you where they're touring