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Full Version: Propaganda, scarmongering or something more sinister...!
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So what are your thoughts on this new "Superstrain" of Ghonorrhoea that is "Resistant" to all current antibiotics, and has apparently affected a "staggering" ONE person in Japan so far? This has affected a "Terrifying" percentage of the worlds population! **

Do you feel it's scare tactics...or the beginning or something more concerning?

Is Ghonorrhoea the new bird flu? Or the new swine Flu?

** 0.0000000001666% Idea
I have to admit I did not know about it. Eek!
Every summer there is something that will spread like wildfire and kill half the people inthe world according to the papers. Not once so far has there been much in any of these scares but it fills papers and it's better than talking about their own corruption!
I wonder whos phone they will tap for that story?
your right hicky they always need some type of health scare
But the big question is how are we all here, aids was going to wipe out the whole of civilisation by the year 2000, according to the press of the time...

People somehow seem to survive
From reading the posts on here 'Timewasteritis' seems to be spreading like wildfire this year!!! Bet there is no cure for that one!!!
could line them all up infront of a firing squad lol
(15-07-2011, 18:58)lolo Wrote: [ -> ]could line them all up infront of a firing squad lol

The only way Hun - No tablet cure for Timewateritis!!
By the way, thank you for the lead regarding Site Design - Looks interesting ;-) x x

(15-07-2011, 19:23)MichelleSins Wrote: [ -> ]
(15-07-2011, 18:58)lolo Wrote: [ -> ]could line them all up infront of a firing squad lol

The only way Hun - No tablet cure for Timewateritis!!
By the way, thank you for the lead regarding Site Design - Looks interesting ;-) x x

glad to be of service Smile
Pages: 1 2