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New to this forum so just dropping by to say hi to all you sexy peeps! Wink xxxxx
hi taylor welcome to the forum bit of a madhouse but a friendly bunch, forewarn u the threads are a bit like spaghetti junction with the banter
Hi Taylor, welcome to the forum, don't forget you can add links to your profile or website in your signature.

look forward to seeing you join in with some of the discussions
(13-07-2011, 18:31)lolo Wrote: [ -> ]hi taylor welcome to the forum bit of a madhouse but a friendly bunch, forewarn u the threads are a bit like spaghetti junction with the banter

Hi hun! great to be here Smile i'm trying to place an advert on the webcammers section but its not letting me?? please can you advise? xxx
minimum 25 posts taylor i had sent u a pm about it, too many members complaining about the women ony advertising
Hi Taylor, have a good read through the stickies and you'll soon work the site out. Hopefully you will enjoy the forum, which is the main idea and with it come some great advertising benefits.

Welcome x
(13-07-2011, 18:31)MrSmith767 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Taylor, welcome to the forum, don't forget you can add links to your profile or website in your signature.

look forward to seeing you join in with some of the discussions

Thanks hun Smile i've just worked out how to do it. xxxx
(13-07-2011, 19:10)CurvaceousKate Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Taylor, have a good read through the stickies and you'll soon work the site out. Hopefully you will enjoy the forum, which is the main idea and with it come some great advertising benefits.

Welcome x

sorry to be thick hun, but whats stickies? xxxx
just means the thread always at the top taylor
hi sexy taylor and welcome. love ur work
Hi Taylor!
Pages: 1 2