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Full Version: Link direct to direct cam
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hi ladies. Quick question, I see some ladies in aw put on direct cam now and then a link that starts aws ? Takes you straight to their directcam. Does anyone know where I'd find the link for this? Also where would I find the link straight to my aw page? The one where it just says refer? Any advice appreciated. Thank so :-) xxx
I am happy to help Bella but I am not sure what you mean Big Grin

"I see some ladies in aw put on direct cam now "
To clarify...are you talking about the profile page with the green light at the top that says available now ?

"then a link that starts aws"
Not sure what you mean here x

If you are wanting to link people to your profile then use the referal links - is this a case of wanting to say post on twitter that you are on direct cam and them to click a link and it open up to the justcamitprogramme?
If so I am not aware it does and generally I just link back to my profile as there is a click box to the cam programme. They all pretty much know how to use direct cam...based on having to upload credits to the site the service users tend to know what to click to get online.

Hope this didn't come accross as patronising if it is totally the wrong thing and not what you mean, however hope it helps x