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Full Version: need an Adult industry accountant ?
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I see many ladies asking about accountants and thought I would mention about mine, I not associated in anyway apart from being a client, and don't gain from recommending his company, it's my views only and this industry is hard enough so if can assist then I will try 

I have been in the adult industry since 2000 and have had the same accountant since then 
can only tell you my views however I do know he acts for many other AW ladies

It's a husband and wife team, 
as well as doing your accounts he all also gives great business advice as he knows the industry
his wife is Latvia and speaks many Eastern European languages so can assist ladies from these areas 

They offer :-
marketing advice and updates on AW and twitter for a small fee per day 

They have a good twitter presence and work alongside vat and tax experts 

he is not cheap nor expensive but will ensure best advice 

His fees can be monthly, a fixed fee is best and I would recommend from personal experience to add an insurance on for tax inquiry charges, it's not definite you would get one but being in an Internet cash business it's possible - I have had two in all the years, and one in the early days the accountant had to sit and explain how AW system worked as they had no idea 

If you would like their details do contact me 
Twitter Courtesanannabel