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Full Version: Pay Delays?
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Hi, funds sent this morning yes.


Requested funds 2 days ago, 

(then yesterday as i had extra credits to clear for today, and again today as i have extra credits to clear for tomorrow and i want to be ahead of the delay.) 

still had no funds put in or responses from forum threads or emails. I appreciate you are busy. However im starting to feel a bit lost in the system if you get what i mean. 

Looking for an update, please? 

Hi, sent.

I requested payment for Monday's. Am I going to be paid today? Plus the pending transfers I got, should I change the payment method for my Paxum or is Dp managing those? Thanks
H, if Monday selected then funds will be sent today yes.

For the pending transfer we are hoping to have something in place to payout on them but it may not be for a few days. You can change them to paxum if you wish though yes.

looks like good news could be on its way- We have our finance teams working on and pushing all of the relationships and applications that were opened last week with a view to being able to perform UK Bank transfers A.S.A.P. This is an hour by hour process that could come good at any time.
(03-10-2016, 13:35)laura20 Wrote: [ -> ]looks like good news could be on its way-    We have our finance teams working on and pushing all of the relationships and applications that were opened last week with a view to being able to perform UK Bank transfers A.S.A.P.  This is an hour by hour process that could come good at any time.

Please can you advise me what to do. I have a payoneer account approved and my card on the way. When I go to set up my Id to link the two I get a message on the website saying I cant link my payonner to adultwork and to open a new account using a differnt email. Do you know why this is ?? Thanks so much xxxx
HI, you got your card from a non adult site, eg Payoneer directly? You have to get one from AW for it to work with AW.

If you need help come here with it as there is a lot of misinformation going around at the moment unfortunately.

Hey , I'm literally so rubbish on computers so all this is massively stressing me out but I know I'm not the only one ;(( I'm getting the same message as the same person as above and I did do it thru the link on AW and now back to square one with nothing sorted can anyone help me ;( ;( ;(
Hi, just to double check, you got the card from AW on the transfer page and its not letting you connect the card?

In theory, if you get the card from AW then the card is auto connected.

If you want me to personally check the account please PM me (username+password) and I will check it.

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