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My email spam folder is showing that I have private messages from here 2 yesterday 1 sunday and 1 saturday but when I log in here there is nothing any ideas.I have deleted a load of old messages so its not because my in box is full.
don't forget to empty your trash folder too
empty sent message too
I have deleted everything cleared history cookies and whatever goes with it even tried using a different browser and there is still nothing
the other thing it could be someone while sending it got logged ouy so it comes up as a ghost message
no idea Lolo will just have to wait and see if it happens again
when i come back online i'll send u one se if u get it ok
I'll send you one too.
Well its happened again the last message in my inbox is from friday but my spam folder says I received 1 on saturday of Mr Smith, 1 on sunday of Mr Smith and 2 on sunday as well of Kate very confused now
How odd I didn't send anyone a Pm yesterday. Try turning email notifications off log out then log in again
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