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Full Version: Feedback translation
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This is more for lols than a guide to interpreting feedback, so please join in and add your thoughts too. The more the merrier.

Here's one to start the ball rolling...

'He was polite, clean and respected my wishes' = That's about as good as it gets!

"he was very very relaxed and enjoyed himself"= i had to do all the work
lol i got one on a@w still makes me giggle

she was tactile tight & juicy u dont need to know anything else = heaven knows

the best one for a guy was

he was there = he turned up
lol he was there! lol tink good one.

'Would love to see you again' = low maintenance, easy money, cheers!
"what a pleasant obliging young lady"=i took the piss a bit and she let me lol
lol I bet you don't get that written about you Tinks. I just can't see it.
lol i did acctually but ive no idea why haha ive a very strong hand on my bookings haha