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Full Version: Set time for dp?
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Hey girls, just wondering is there a set time where dp gets transferred to our accounts or is it different each time? I've been a paid few times round the same time but I'm still waiting for my pay today?

Smile x
gone in now, phew Smile !
Hi, everyone is paid at different times each day.

Each day starts at 1am here, staff start processing and finish around 5pm each day.

One person could be paid at 3am and another at 3pm, just depends how fast we are able to get the numbers done and sent.

There are thousands of members and if you can imagine calculating all their earnings into the pay system then going from A-Z paying each person everyday, thats how it works Smile

Anything earnt today is sent tomorrow. We unfortunately dont have a set time as anything could happen, if alot of people worked then it takes us longer, if it was a slow day it'll get done quicker, if a staff member is off sick/holidays etc then it can delay the process also.

Feel free to message anytime if you feel anything is wrong though.

ahh great thank you, thats helped a lot x