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god that sounds awfull,......
it does good god never realised they took all that amount off u
The weirdest request I had was from a guy who wanted me to walk in dog poo so he could lick it off my boots! :-S

I politely declined... actually, no, I said ewwwww!!!! fuck off, you perve!!!!
Claudia I had a guy that rang me sounded really normal at first then asked if he could bring his dog along and naively I said no as I had a dog of my own and did not want her mixing with strange dogs to which he replied oh no he wants to join in he is a right horny little bastard, I couldnt even think of anything to say i just had to hang up sad twat
my other strange one would be wax man, as i have it on my sites i wont see anyone with a beard or moustache this young asian guy turned up, asked to go in the bathroom so he could get rid of the beard etc... kept hearing squeals when i looked in he was waxing all the hair off his face, next thing took the turban off got clippers out began shaving all his hair off

for the rest of the weekend he kept messaging saying how liberated he felt

why dont you seen anyone with beards or taches lolo?
She doesn't like them Tink. I do!

I had a guy who just shagged my leg once. He is quite well known in certain areas I believe.
hate facial hair plus it all makes them look older than they are
oh i love beards! not taches because they look like a circus strong man but goatees i love!!!

shagged your leg?????? lol
I won't even go near my bf if he hasn't shaved
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