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Full Version: how to add a tab to profile
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Hi everyone
my other account got deleted so im starting all over again and I was wondering how do I add a tab onto my profile I have completely forgotten!!!

I think that's it. It'll be in the bbcodes section
I don't have an option to add a tab as I cant see anywhere on my profile details page the BBCode link. Does anyone else have this problem?
Hi, its a code you type into your profile to make it appear. Codes are listed here

First go here then click the above link and enter them.

Eg, if you type this exact phrase into your profile:


This is an example."

A new tab should appear, and when you open that tab the text should appear.

The BBCodes provided are contextual.
I found where to add BBCodes now, silly me, it has to be at the bottom box of profile details option! upstairs for thinking?!... lol