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Hey guys just wanted your opinion. Do you think it's worth creating a private gallery in order to earn a little extra cash? Personal pics for people to buy? Does adultwork take any credits from the sale of pics in a private gallery?

Many Thanks
Hi, 100% yes create a private gallery.

AW admin fee is 30%.

(07-06-2015, 14:50)ukfella1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys just wanted your opinion. Do you think it's worth creating a private gallery in order to earn a little extra cash? Personal pics for people to buy? Does adultwork take any credits from the sale of pics in a private gallery?

Many Thanks

Judging by most of your posts I'd assumed you were "seeking services" why the sudden urge to flog pictures of yourself, I'm assuming it be will pictures of yourself and do remember anyone can buy them your mum your granny a work colleague are you sure you want to risk that for a little extra cash.