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Full Version: Is Directcam possible with tablet? What's the best webcam quality tablet
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My laptop broke so I need to get a new one, as I travel a lot I want to get a tablet, can I use Directcam with a tablet?
What's the best tablet to buy with good webcam quality?
Maybe a smaller laptop would be better, the ones you can remove the base, the yoga are good. Tablets usually have less power, ram, harddrive etc.
Tablets don't have the capability to run JustCamIt. It's not a downloadable software you can use for your tablet or even mobile phone. You have to have a certain javascript, flashplayer etc to run just the basic program.


Good Luck

Blou x
Go for a lightweight laptop, an ultranook if you can afford it with an i5 or i7 processor

Avoid chrome books, they are cheaper but you can't install programs (like justcam it) on the chrome os