Adultwork Forum

Full Version: How do I sign up for daily pay and chances of being accepted?
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I am hoping to sign up for daily pay, my friend introduced me to adultwork as I used to sell shared content with her on there and she had daily pay and i loved getting the money the next day but she no longer adultworks so has no idea how. I signed up in July and only cammed private 3 times (1 day) then just stopped (busy) although i sold a lot of photos in the break i had between then and now and have made 100 credits selling stuff on market place and vids and pics since a few days ago (haven't cammed yet but planned too) I have no feed back right now tho Sad but hoping to get some soon, but i am verified. anyone know if they will accept me and how i apply?
Hi, sign up link here and more info in the link above.
