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now u get some that keep theirs on others take theirs off

guys do u keep them on / take them off

girls whih do u prefer

personally i prefer him to keep them on as i dont like someones barefeet touching me
Definately socks of for me
In private I definitely want them off. But at work I don't mind whether my guests take them off or keep them on. Very dry skin, yellow or broken nails, or athlete's foot/tinea pedis is obviously not a turn on, and like Lolo said, I don't want such feet to touch my skin. And I guess that if they keep their socks on they must have a reason for that, so I won't argue on that subject. Big Grin

On that matter: feet are the ugliest part of the human body.
I never thought of that. If guys leave their socks on, I just ask them to remove them.
Maybe I won't in future!
Shy, in my very beginning I did ask a guest once to remove his socks. Only this once!! My sheets where all dusty from dry skin particles afterwards. Never asked again. Big Grin
Yuck, yuck, yuck!
I used to ask them to take them off, but now I don't bother and from what some of you have said, there may be good reason why they keep them on, so phew!
i pretty much hate feet so I'd prefer them to leave them on- but that's my issue so if they are taken off so be it..... so long as I don't have to touch them haha!!
Take them off, it just seems so tacky leaving them off, infact shoes and socks are the first thing I remove when seeing someone. Taking clothes off can be made to be sexy, you can be ordered to strip, be helped out of your clothes, do a sexy strip tease, or have your clothes ripped off by someone desperate to see you.

But there is nothing sexy about hopping around on one leg trying to pull off a sock!! And sitting down to do it can kill the mood!!
Take them off. One feature of 1930's American porn films was that the men wore socks.
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