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Full Version: Uploading Movie Clips Driving Me MAD!!!!
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I've uploaded some in the past ... so know its possible!

But despite converting files to 'WMV' ...
i still get the error messageof

"An error occurred on the server when processing your page request/submission. Please contact the Site's admin team via the Help Center, citing the URL of the page you were on and the action you were attempting. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. (Server ID: 21)

So ...i did the other option... i emailed the movie team my file and got a reply saying

"Accepted" (so assume that means the vid is of good enough quality etc)

Yay i thought .... but when i go to add veiwing costs it says

"Movie file not found . please try again'

and guess what ... when i try again i get the error message

"An error occurred on the server when processing your page request/submission. Please contact the Site's admin team via the Help Center, citing the URL of the page you were on and the action you were attempting. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. (Server ID: 21)

ALL i want is to earn a few pennies from amateur filming .... is that so difficult???