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what do u do to chill out
Spending time with the family - with parents, and at my sisters place.
Playing multiplayer computer games preferably with friends.
Spending time with the girlfriend, when i do have one.
what sort of games do u play tom
Games similar to World of Warcraft (thats the most common game of its type).
And the Battlefield series, where you run around with a gun killing other players, drive tanks, cars, ships and fly fighter jets in full on large scale 32 vs 32 player battles with 100% destructible environments.

The next game in the series, Battlefield 3 is being released this November, looks totally awesome lol, will be playing that for years.
i have 2 in the house who are addicted to call of duties, medal of honour, fallouts. mass effects, battlefields, gta's, flashpoints,

kenny m

World of Warcraft, now there is something that I can spend hours playing.
I spend far too much time on the internet. Before I really got into the Escorting I used to go to a swinging club for my relaxation. It has a jacuzzi and a steam room and a lounge for social time. I loved it! Now the idea of someone badgerring me for sex there puts me off going, as I don't need it any more lol.

I suppose now my relaxation and chill time is spent with my old friends and family, so in a way the Escoting has put things back the way they should be. Hoorah for Escorting!

I have a WII and I love it, but got to be honest, I haven't been on it since the WII fit told me off for not going on there in 6 weeks. Next time it'll have a right go at me!