Adultwork Forum

Full Version: directcam online status not posting to twitter
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ive checked the box to say post a status but nothing is happening. am I missing something?
Have you got a twitter account? and you also need to follow AdultWork too.
Hahahahaha how funny would it be if she didn't have a twitter account #simplemind
lol I think it's a guy? Apologies if not Smile
(23-05-2014, 17:29)hornygirl1991 Wrote: [ -> ]Hahahahaha how funny would it be if she didn't have a twitter account #simplemind
Haha "It"
of course I have a twitter. I have assigned the manage link and ticked the box on direct cam as well as like adultwork on twitter, and link it on my twitter. and with a name like mrpython... its self explanatory I am a male. now who is simple minded? ;P
Can you give us a link to your AW profile please? Then we could see if there's an issue there and hopefully be able to help you further.
Men = simple minded
Women = Often confused by the simple things guys say

(25-05-2014, 21:03)mrpythonuk Wrote: [ -> ]of course I have a twitter. I have assigned the manage link and ticked the box on direct cam as well as like adultwork on twitter, and link it on my twitter. and with a name like mrpython... its self explanatory I am a male. now who is simple minded? ;P
Have a look at this one . It might solve your problem
perfect solution . thank you very much x