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its my fave shy
The title says it all!
"Horny, horny, horny me,
I'm im need of company,
Woke up feeling hot for cock,
Need one that is hard as rock!

So come on phone,
Why don't you ring?
I need some fun
and good fucking!

I wish I was at my flat,
In front of the cam I would be sat,
I'd be looking glam while I wait,
ready to play and masturbate.

So come on phone,
Why don't you ring?
I need some fun
and good fucking!

I'm so glad half term is done,
I don't want another one!
No more bank holidays!
or Royal Weddings please,
I beg of you on my knees!

So come on phone
Why don't you ring?
I need some fun
and good fucking!

I'm lay on the bed
with legs open wide,
I want to feel your cock
Deep inisde,

So come on phone
Why don't you ring?
I need some fun
and good fucking!

Use your fingers to
make me gush,
The climax such a rush!
Use your tongue to
make me wet,
See how loud I will get.

So come on phone
Why don't you ring?
I need some fun
and good fucking!

Mornings were meant for sex!"

Hey whatever works for you I understand How powerful the urge is when you are horny it takes you over until you release yourself at least sometimes. There is some times it gets intense not all times but I can't even go to bed without releasing the hornyness lol.

shit happens I guess lol.

anyway take care Kate,

Hulkster, *shit happens*? I wake up like that every morning lol. It was very early in the morning. I could not have had a booking at that time if I wanted to as I was at home and don't go to my apartment until after I have sorted family business out, so it was purely wishfull thinking.

Don't get the impression that I don't get plenty of work though, as I do. I nearly died yesterday with the sex I had. My body aches today. Actually come to think of it, the 2 bank hols and half term didn't help, it was fairly quiet last week, as I had to stay at home more too. Bah humbug to bank holidays!!!!
The Penis Poem

My nookie days are over,my pilot light is out,what used to be my sex appeal is now my water spout! Time was when,on its own, from my trousers it would spring.But now its just a full time job to find the bloody thing! it used to be embarrasing the way it would behave, for every single morning it would stand and watch me shave! now as old age approaches it sure gives me the blues, to see it hang its little head and watch me tie my shoes!
Ahhhh Ems. I love it!
bean beans the music fruit,...

ok ok i wont do that one lol
(05-06-2011, 09:01)lolo Wrote: [ -> ]no never liked burns's stuff
The Great Cow Disaster

Upon yonder hill there stands a coo
I've just had a look
It's no there noo!

Bloody fantastic... Just recited that to my housemates... Very well received...
Ode to The Bobbits

There once was a Bobbitt named John
Who thaught he was quite the Don Juan
His wife disagreed
So the next time he wee'd
John couldn't locate his wand.

Lorena wished John could be nicer
But he wasn't much of a de-icer
If she finds a new spouse
Let us hope he's no louse
Or we might have our first serial slicer.

A surgeon was filled with great tension
Trying to sew on a thing we can't mention
He stitched and he sewed
Used all the skills that he knowed
But the wee thing won't stand at attention.

John Bobbitt was never a loner
In fact, he was known as a roamer
His wife seized his prize
And cut him to size
Now he is his own organ donor.

There once was a crime most venal
One might say 'twas inches from renal
It wasn't for sport
That she made him so short
Her intentions were nothing but penal.

The Bobbitt case sure is a dilly
Though it sounds a little bit silly
He said she's the hacker
Who lopped off his whacker
She said she was trying to Free Willy.
My favourite poem...

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

In case you were wondering, it's not bad grammar - E. E. Cummings rarely used capital letters in the conventional sense, and there is much debate over whether he intentionally used capital letters when signing his name... Intermeresting!
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