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Full Version: Private chat cutting out
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Hi,anyone else having problems with 'justcamit'? For afew days now as soon as a client enters private chat in DirectIM it drops out on them immediately and they have to click on private a second time with me to come back in. Fortunately I've only lost out on a couple of privates because of this issue as usually they try again,but I can't figure out whats causing it. Anyone any ideas?


Mine has been ok hun, but I know some girls have that problem sometimes with cam shows (not im afaik) so maybe an annoying glitch?
Ah I see,yeah it must be but its only just started happening...maybe theres an email for justcamit to ask for help as I've already tried the troubleshooter.
I had this for a day or two , but I am ok right now, fingers crossed. Sounds like a glitch