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Adultworkers rely far too much on Adultwork, we all do it and it is easy to get complacent about advertising "marketing". I have experience of this from the early days, relying on a newspaper for advertising and then the owners have a change of policy, no more "Adult Escort" ads, or as it was then "Massage" Dead in a day!!!

The problem is, Adultwork gives us all far too much business, but with some hassle. Who has not had a profile shut down and why? So you just set up a new one, but do we deserve that amount of hassle when you have been registered for 2-5 years without problems, spent 60-80% of your earning on promoting yourself.

I like Adultwork, have a lot of respect for them and what they do, I realise it is a hard task keeping the scams and fake profiles at bay and Admin here is good at getting results and being a "Go between" to try and sort out problems that occur. Unfortunately, when you look round the web how often do you come across adverts for Adultwork? Mostly from registered members who promote it, NOT Adultwork themselves.

In days like we are living in there is not a lot of cash about, some do well out of it and others struggle, there is always a reason for this, the main being we need to spend more time promoting ourselves, our Adultwork profiles and our own web sites.

I would suggest that we have a new Section for Adultworkers to discuss marketing techniques and advise each other and newbies how to get started in promoting ourselves / web sites to keep our own business going.

Adult Service Providers marketing
--> Web Sites
--> Marketing
--> Links

Sarah x x x


One problem - competition!

Do you really want to give your competition the same knowledge you have?

I think most girls know the basics of twitter, blogging, banners etc. I have no problem sharing if it's in a mutually conducive environment (i.e. no freeloaders)
(06-12-2012, 02:34)xKatieBabyx Wrote: [ -> ]One problem - competition!

Personally I have never had a problem with helping others, it has never altered what I earned.

One thing I did learn many years ago when everybody got "kicked" out of the local paper, I got back in, you would think it would be great to be the only one advertising in a paper that used to carry 30-40 ads each night. Nope, nobody bothered looking in a paper that had no adverts. This is exactly why "clone" Adultwork sites do not work, there are not enough girls advertise on them.

Never worry what others are doing, concentrate on what you are doing and promoting your own self.

But it was only an idea

Sarah x x x
A very different area but I think the same principle applies...Reiki practitioners do better when there is a group of them in one area than just one. Competition isn't an issue, there's something about generating a group that draws more business in, I guess it increases interest, it's a sign that there is something going on and it's worth looking into.

I've noticed it's individual girls doing more advertising for AW than AW, and it's all escorts...surprise, surprise that the guys think that we all escort on the site! That is how they are finding us, not because they are looking for webcammers.

The way to think of it is not just marketing for yourself but for the whole of will have a knock-on effect.

I think it's a good idea, but I also think that if it happened it should definitely be a private area of the site.

I have to be honest, though, and say that while some aspects of promotion are hindered by low numbers (like being the only "masseuse" in the back of the local paper) others are severely effected or even nullified if too many people are trying to do the same thing. A lot of what makes a girl popular, I think, is her uniqueness and what makes her unique. If she identifies what it is that sets her apart and then tells other girls how she does it and then everyone does it, she is no longer unique and the whole thing becomes a ubiquitous blur!

So in principal, yes, I think it is a good idea... but I have some reservations I guess.

Worth a go, though!
(08-12-2012, 01:55)Trinity-Belle Wrote: [ -> ]I think it's a good idea, but I also think that if it happened it should definitely be a private area of the site.

Yes if it happened it should be private

(08-12-2012, 01:55)Trinity-Belle Wrote: [ -> ]A lot of what makes a girl popular, I think, is her uniqueness and what makes her unique. If she identifies what it is that sets her apart and then tells other girls how she does it and then everyone does it, she is no longer unique and the whole thing becomes a ubiquitous blur!

Very true, but that usually relates to the service they provide and the way they treat clients, but it is always up to the individual how much info they share with others.

Sarah x x x
i used to get most of my business from a/w- in scotland, their is another escort website which is quiet popular as well, and get lots of work from it...
iam not as active as i used to be on a/w. and i dont save up my credits till i have lots, to transfer
knowing my profile might be shut down, without a proper explanation, nerves me....
this is so true, adultwork has me spoilt - only either £2.50 or £7.50 for the day(which clients kindly pay for checking out my pics). i spent £50 last week on a national paper - you know the one. despite there being only another 4 girls advertising in the area it was a total waste of money. plenty of phonecalls but only one actual booking - i am still not entirely sure what the other chaps who phoned wanted. Sad
Have never used adultwork, have looked it over the past few week more so for the phone chat side of it