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Full Version: Image Uploader ..Tech Help..Please
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I am having problems with image uploader, in Firefox, when I go to upload an image, I get an error message which says certificate is out of date. I then click run the program. It loads the pictures as normal but when I go to open the title box, it will not stay open to allow me to type any text.
I followed the user info from AW help pages and deleted the java cache as instructed but still does not work. I have tried without any form of security and turned of all pop up blockers etc and even clean installed Firefox.
Has anyone had a similar problem, or does anyone know the solution, I emailed AW admin a couple of times but have had no input...There is a bit on the Auriga Image Uploader help section about corrupted cab files and how to test the link..but it is a bit to techy for me and I don't know what http address to type to test the link.
Can you a stand alone version of the uploader it is says about it on the website but got a bit confused about admin permissions required.
Would appreciate any help or advice