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Full Version: Do be vigilant and don’t be conned like me
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Do be vigilant and don’t be conned like me ...recently checked all my emails at my non AW email account.
To my surprise a refund had been given to a user ( super1001man ) who had claimed a no-show. However, the show had been done as confirmed from the data on my messenger. If you are like me, when busy you only tend to use the AW internal email, hence missing this dispute and paying the consequences.
AW policy is as follows;

You had 48 hours to respond to this and dispute the members claim.
As we did not receive any response from you, the member was refunded as stated in the email.
The Team

So please do take care and remember to check all your email even after the show has taken place.
It would seem to me that a good idea would be to have an alert button on our home pages so we can instantly respond to disputes with AW.
Or for dispute emails to be sent internally via the AW system. As it is not only us who loose money on such scams, but also AW

Thanks Bluesatin xxx