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i no its been said b for but its getting really annoying now, guys putting bookings through with out even contacting me via e-mail or txt to see if im free ect. one guy put a booking through and id only just got through the door and the time he put was the time i got bk in he put a 19dig number for his phone number i tried to e-mail him but nothing the nxt day he left Horrible feed back. So i left him feed him stating what he had done then within a few mins he sent a e-mail threatening me. So i ignored that. then yesday i did not even put my self as ava but still some one put a booking through got up this morning and yet again he as left really nasty feed bk. There should be a system on here if u confirm the booking they can leave u feed bk if not then no feed bk should b able to be left.

Sorry for the rant but at the end of the day were all here to make money pay bills ect, were not work horses we do have a life of our own as well as our aw life.

Lou xx
Hi Lou, they can't leave you a rating unless you've confirmed but I know it is very annoying...I had to explain to a new guy that he needs to wait until it shows I'm available before booking but thankfully he didn't leave feedback.

As it keeps happening, you can you disable the feature and just set up when you are available, explaining in your profile that it is a service you offer.

Katy xx
hi katy ya sorry didnt explain that well when they have left feed bk its not a rating one just a feed back one, how do u disable the booking part?

many thanks Lou xx
That's ok...which service is it for? Webcam or phone?

Go to "my details", "edit profile" than for webcam click the webcam tab then tick the box for direct cam only, disable pre-booked.

I don't offer prebooked phone chat at all because of the hassle involved...for that go to the phone chat tab and click the box DirectChat Only: Disable Pre-booked Phone Chat (there are gremlins in the system and a couple of times I've received bookings when I have this disabled!).
For escort bookings....

If you DELETE the booking before the appointment time, then they can not leave feedback.

There is one guy who just goes around doing this to girls and he books you for, like 10 minutes time so that you don't get a chance to delete the booking.

I was lucky and just happened to be on-line when he booked me. I mailed him saying that I was sorry but I couldn't make it at such short notice, then deleted his booking... then when I looked at his profile I saw all the neg feedback from girls who he had done this too! So I put him on block.

If you really want to disable the booking system then you can, but it will mean that you don't get any feedback from anyone.

Go to "Edit Profile" and on the "General" tab, near the bottom, there is a box for "Availability" which says "show a link to my availability diary". If you untick this then they will not be able to book you on the system.

A better thing to do is use the availability diary to block out any times you don't work, then keep on top of your bookings and check out the guys who are booking you, especially at short notice. If you can't make it then mail the guy (do this first or else you will lose his username!) then delete the booking. If, on the other hand, you think it is a wrong-un then delete the booking and block the user. In the blocked users section you can specify that you do not want that user to be able to book you in future.

Hope this helps honey x
Ditto above - just delete the booking.