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Full Version: Whats the best place to tour in London
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So i have done several tours to London now and worked out of an apartment for students near Russell Square and a very nice hotel in Kensington but what's the best place to work?

Central London has the Business Crowd who come see me on their lunch breaks but the residential areas in zone 2 and outwards are where people live and clients don't like to travel far.

I am thinking of working in Criklewood. Does anyone have any opinion and what's best or recommend and hotels that an escort can work from unnoticed by the staff there.

I regularly tour in Euston NW1, there are several hotels all within a 2 minute walk of the station. The Ibis is cheap and cheerful and the reception area is a long way from the entrance so guests can walk through unnoticed.
Hi, thanks I may just try that. Is that the hotel near kings cross station? A friend of mine used to work at the Steam and Sun Massage Parlour opposite that hotel before it got raided and closed down a couple of months ago. So i am guessing its a well frequented area for clients.