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Full Version: What do you really think of the Forum & the people in it?
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Cards on the Tables Everyone!!

Who gets on your wick?
Which Threads do you enjoy the most?
Do you think some people are hash on others?
Do you think they shouldn't be here?

To be fair, I like winding people up, and having a Joke, Yes my english is SHIT!
Yes I go on...I Make mistakes because I'm human (I Think) lol

I love everyone!!

Let us say our peace Big Grin

(26-11-2011, 23:30)Heather_Edwards Wrote: [ -> ]Do you think some people are hash on others?

Sorry Heather, can you explain this one to me? I thought hash was something you smoked
- oh hang on a minute, do you mean "harsh", that makes sense.

I have to say I actually do like everyone who regularly posts on here. I think we have pretty much got the measure of each other. I hope so. Sometimes things go a little astray, but provided we can be good friends and forgive each other any little mistakes, it works well.

I really look forward to my nightly trawl through the threads to see what people have said. It is the highlight of my day.
I use the forum as my sounding board and it's good to have somewhere you can ask questions about things or throw ideas at before taking the plunge. Between us there is a wealth of experience from both sides of the fence and of course we are not always going to agree with each other on every subject, that is because where we do have something in common, we are all different and that is the way it should be.

I'm certainly not going to name names, I think probably everyone has got on my boobs once or twice, but then most people have also made my day in one way or another since I've been here too. I'm sure I've got on a few people's nerves lol, but I hope I've shown a few sides to me and have made a few people smile too.


There is a nice mix on here, I'm on any number of forums and they all develop there own style.
There is no jostling for supremacy or cliquishness which afflicts so many other well known sites.

I don't post as much on here now, or I am a lot more circumspect, on what I do commit to the board.
And that's due to it being open to search engines and twitter.
Something I still think is a grave error, and a betrayal of its members discretion.
I think it's a great board, when I can keep up! Occasionally people stamp their feet and throw a hissy fit - even the boys. But knowing that none of us is perfect is a good counter to that!
It's a shame there is less banter going on.... where are Monty and Freddo - not still on holiday or down the pub together? Even Digger had his moments when he wasn't having a nervous breakdown. Hey ho.
I love all the girls who have recently started posting, it's good to get fresh views and ideas on things.
Loves you babes!
i enjkoy it, tthere are people that i really am glad have shown no interest i me lol
People have been very helpful to a relative newbie!


Well I havent gone anywhere, just took a back seat as, in my opinion, the Forum was getting a little tense. I am sure I did my bit to help create that situation but, from where I am sitting, the tempo of the Board had changed slightly as the weather changed!
The influx of new ladies into the Forum certainly is a breath of fresh air; in any Forum or Group, a regular influx of new blood is essential for keeping the whole organisation going. I also see we have had a few new gents as well so that is good too.
On the whole I think it's great on here, we are all quite different from each other but seem to get on with the exceptional squabble.

Could it be that Freddo has found Tink and are snuggled up together??
much better if it had stayed private, with so many children on twitter every thread getting tweeted, its a joke

should have remained a members only viewable forum

also any member who hasnt logged in 60 days should be automatically deleted
OK, I am sorry for upsetting Kate and Linzi. I should not have flown off the handle in public.
Sorry Ladies, I was an ass!
I, too,like this forum. It is a great place for banter. I shall endeavour to respect that.
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